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RE: Trump Berates the Media at Press Conference: 'This is fake news, put out by the media.'

in #politics7 years ago
  • DNC emails reveal collusion between media and Democrat Party
  • Journolist, Journolist 2.0, etc
  • Just three examples of media flat out lying about events; Benghazi during 2012 Presidential debates; editing of Zimmerman tapes; coverage of woman demanding to burn down white neighborhoods as a plea for peace in black neighborhoods
  • Failure of media to cover Fast & Furious, Solyndra, Benghazi, violation of War Powers Act in Libya, failure of ACA, etc etc
  • Blitzer and Brazille passing on debate questions to Clinton (proof CNN is racist, Brazille was fired, Blitzer was not)

I would fully support Trump if he were to pursue criminal prosecutions against the mainstream media for unreported campaign contributions

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