RE: A world of chaos = we all get cash from chaos = if? Venezuela - SPEAK UP PLEASE.
Greetings to all the participants of this geopolitical contest.
My native language is Spanish, so I will have some imperfections in the text.
I want to start with indicating that the current civilization can be considered failed. The ignorance and greed of some important surnames of the world, deplete and destroy our planet. Therefore the finite resources of our world are quickly depleted.
In this context the surnames owners of great imperialist nations (USA, RUSSIA, CHINA, EUROPE) are waging a world battle to appropriate the few natural resources that exist in the world.
But the battle is not only for natural resources, but also for the different ideas or ways of thinking of some world leaders (CHAVEZ, Bashar al-Ásad, PUTIN, Xi Jinping, TRUMP).
Venezuela is a country with immense wealth, of which we ourselves are not aware. Water, Biodiversity, Iron, Aluminum, Gold, Coltan, Uranium, rare earths and Petroleum are just some of the resources that we only discover in our possession. To these resources we must add another very important resource such as thinking differently. I speak of socialism, which is an unacceptable way of managing natural resources according to Western thought.
Venezuela fell into the trap of administering these resources in the Latin American (populist) socialist way, or rather in a totally deficient (inefficient) way. At the same time he was waging a silent battle with the US and its Western allies. This battle is almost coming to an end, in which Venezuela is losing it completely. This is motivating the Maduro government to ally with powers such as Russia (military) and China (economic) to try to save the nation from its destruction.
This alliance will try to avoid the tactics of the US and its allies, which consists in destroying all vestige of State structures of non-aligned countries, as it did in the Middle East and as it plans to do in the Latin American Caribbean basin.
Recommended reading
Greetings from Venezuela
Superbly laid out, thank you kindly.
Splendidly well thought comment @soy-venezuelien!
And I would add:
Venezuela not only has immense and incalculable natural, mineral, marine, aquifer and many other wealth resources that actually can't be imagined. But it has been also blessed with a very unique position in our planet with an extraordinary privileged geographic location as to become victim of natural disasters.
With an ancestrally benign climate with only two seasons that neither is extreme. Completely away from the passage of hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, typhoons and even earthquakes. With gigantic reserves of fresh and potable water through thousands of great rivers and springs. Where you just dig three meters underground anywhere and you find water to drink and build a well. And well, I better stop here because I get tired. };)
So, ¿how the fuck wouldn't be Venezuela and the Venezuelans envied by such privileges by other inhabitants of the planet? Especially by the greedier ones?
It's no wonder that the great financial and military powers of the planet are in conflict and involved in a fierce struggle trying to get their greedy hands on everything we have in our humble & loved country. With the clear and evident ambition to defeat their 'supposedly adversary' on this run and coveting to take possession of everything we have here in our rich land before their opponent.
¿And the bulk of the people who already inhabit it and lives there? ¿What with them?
They naively say: "Oh! Come on!! Fuck all those unfit & useless chumps!!" They will never even know what hit them or what really happened to them... So, for what extermination and eugenics exists then?
Yeah! pinheads full with those fairy tales fluttering in their heads on this world are at one cent a dozen.
So, better be careful, prepare for the good fight and gulp things straight like they are. 💪👍
Let's share next this article in spanish so our Venezuelan countrymen struggle less to read it and can get more clearly the whole message.
Me contenta mucho que otros Venezolanos esten claros sobre lo que pasa en nuestro país. Y el articulo de voltairenet es perfecto para aclarar alguna ideas.
Saludos desde Santa Ana de Coro, Edo. Falcón Vzla.
Así es hermano!! selecta e inusualmente nutritiva información la que ofrece el website de voltairenet.
Ya es hora de que muchos le den vuelta a ese disco rayado que suena en todos lados y comiencen a escuchar ahora la 'musiquita' del Lado B del mismo disco.
Saludos desde Cydonia!! };)
Dios que haces en Martes?......
Yo apenas llega hasta la Luna, que es más cerca. Por cierto que habrán conseguido los chino en ese lado "oculto de la Luna".....
Jajajaja, bueno, yo ya llevo un coñazo de tiempo viviendo en una cueva ahí metido dentro del ojo izquierdo de la esfinge. Es que desde aquí se vacila uno toda vaina que está ocurriendo en el planeta tierra clariiiiito.
Ah! y desde aquí ya he podido divisar bien a los chinos (más bien a las chinas) en el lado oculto de la luna. Pero es que esos carajos no son güevones y a cada rato apagan los reflectores y me obligan a buscar mis viejos catalejos de infrarojos y visión nocturna. Que por el uso constante buceándome a las 'chinitas' ya los tengo medio escoñetaitos. 😀
Bueno yo sigo padeciendo en Venezuela, ojalas no nos hagan como a Siria.
Por que eso si dolera mucho....
Bueno, y yo también lo sigo padeciendo en el mismo lugar que tú a través de mis viajes astrales desde Cydonia hasta nuestra tierra de gracia todos los días. Pero en cuanto a la forjación de nuevas Sirias, que eso no te preocupe mucho todavía. A pesar de que nunca he sido un optimista a ultranza si que básicamente soy un pesimista defensivo. Por lo que opino que solo hay que estar siempre mosca sobre todos y cada uno de los acontecimientos.
Y de momento, creo que todavía les va a costar una bola a todos los impostores y malvivientes truhanes del cortejo producir una segunda Siria en nuestro país ya estando todos tan al descubierto. :)
Un abrazo!!