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RE: So for 2 years the media has been bashing Trump's wall and Travel Ban. Just watch Europe, Part III: Shariah Law NO-GO Zones.

in #politics7 years ago

Religion, organized crime, and government are essentially identical entities with cosmetic difference. The populist whores in the parliments of Europe have already sold their nation-state and communal socio-cultural heritage to the abomination that is European Union. It should not at all be surprising that such whores will be willing to sell their home to the muck that crawl out of woogistan or some such hole for short-term political gain.

European nation-states ceased to be a viable political entity the moment they surrendered their authority to mint coinage to Brussels. Greece is a glaring example of once a viable political entity reduced to a colony of Brussels banking cartel. By continuing to be a "member" of EU, Greece continues to accept her status as a colony, either of EU or China.

Since the whores in European "national" parliments consider their nation as merely a colony of EU, why should they concern themselves with regional issues, when all they strive towards is inclusion into the EU financial racket? In the absence of central organization, ie government, men will seek alternative organized authority. It is expected that the beleagered natives of European former states organize themselves according to socio-cultural solidarity (the deceptively characterized "extreme right") against seeming cultural invasion by organized foreigners (deceptively ignored by main stream media).

The solution is either an authoritarian central government at Brussels leading the EU, or return of European states onto viable political entities with strong central authority. As it is, EU is just collection of financial entities without any governing aptitutde or interest that is turning Europe into magnified Somalia.

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