No attack, no victims, no chem weapons - Douma witnesses speak at OPCW briefing

in #politics6 years ago

"Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including 11-year-old Hassan Diab and hospital staff, told reporters at The Hague that the White Helmets video used as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged." - RT


Noticed you took a little break, nice to have you back @slavix. I think the truth is obvious now, even for the blind. I've noticed that the biased media have also toned down their suggestions, perhaps they too realize the truth

Apparently nothing happened there. SAD!

Hah! there you go, anyone saying otherwise will be branded as a liar. On falsified evidence they launched strikes on a nation, in attempts to start war.

So how did the Western intelligence agencies arrive at the conclusion that (a)people were gassed, and (b)Syria government was responsible? Are they (a) incompetent - very tragic, or (b) compromised - end of world is near?

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