Slavery as psychopathology. part 5

in #politics7 years ago

The law and slavery

At the present time, most States control their slaves and the relationship between States slave owners are on the concept of Roman law. Roman law is the right, resulting in a major slave society – Ancient Rome, and based on the logic of a slave. 

 It does not imply the availability of the consent expressed in an explicit form, in particular the law for all to whom this law applies – the slave does not ask, it is a thing. Such consent in its current States is replaced by the will of a very limited group of people – legislators. It is also one of the tools of manipulation of consciousness, because legislators are popularly elected deputies, by a vote of a citizen who does not know him personally. The majority voting for a candidate did not communicate with him tete-a-tete. It is physically impossible for a candidate. But also absolutely impossible to delegate your opinion to those who personally have not talked to you. Absolutely unbelievable and the fact that the opinion of an elected Deputy is the sum of the views of hundreds of thousands of people who elected him.

 The formula "ignorance of the Law is no excuse" demonstrates the artificiality of the slave and the essence of Roman law, because natural law is the Law arises only where there is mutual agreement expressed in an explicit form all those involved in the Act. This entails absolute KNOWLEDGE and acceptance of the provisions of the Law by all, whom the Law applies. 

Most clearly and vividly slavery lurks in the modern juvenile justice system – the set of laws by which parents may lose their child even when the child is surrounded by love and care, but the family has no sufficient means to ensure the child according to the requirements of soulless laws or as a result of slander. When the separation of the child and the mother violated the natural family values, but family for the slave owner is only the system of producing new slaves. In slavery, another system of values is unnatural. 

The closest right to the right of the free society today is Sharia – Islamic law adopted in Muslim countries. Throwing out the Sharia, the Muslim religious taboos, get the commandments from the sermon on the mount. If we understand the worship of the Creator in the sermon on the mount, as the worship is accessible to our perception a manifestation of the Creator, i.e. the environment – Nature, we get right into the logic of the atheist. 

Right in the logic of a free man – is simple, logical, based on common natural sense and does not require years of studying huge volumes of junk to most people, laws, lobbied by a particular group of deputies in personal, selfish or ideological interests. Not casually almost in all the countries that have adopted the democratic way of development, in charge of the people with a legal background, ie those people who, having studied the laws of their country, know how to use them to their advantage. This is the perfect slave owners under the mental enslavement – pettifoggers, i.e. those who know how to subtly lie. 

Slavery as psychopathology. part 1
Slavery as psychopathology. part 2
Slavery as psychopathology. part 3
Slavery as psychopathology. part 4


Хорошо пишешь, Максим=)) Недаром мне всегда хочется сказать, что я ТРУЖусь, а не РАБотаю=)))

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