Do you take sides? politics!

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


Since the banning of the words "fake news"..........

I shall be using the term more. Why? because it is a term mainly used to describe the MSM not the alt media. And banning words is not in the interest of anyone.

My stance on politics - I dislike all politicians equally, from my ex home country, to Russia, to China and beyond. I am as likely to write a article on how Putin made his billions with a trail of murder and corruption, as I am to write the same about Hillary Clinton, though I doubt she yet has made it to billionaire status though who really knows!.

The only reason I never write about the politicians where I now reside is because they are so bland, that they never really do much of anything, in any direction worth writing about.

When I put together any article I like to use the MSM where possible to highlight points, as not all journalists are copy paste hacks. And due to the fact people like my mother, when I mention things to her, reaches for her phone to surf the net, to see if what I have said is in her words "on a trusted source". Even with me stating over and over again that the MSM are nothing more than a corporate mouth piece (s), she is still the same, so that is why I like to use the MSM where possible to corroborate any event.


Taking sides.

Whilst locating MSM articles to use in my links, I notice a lot of people name calling regards to "my politician is better than yours" which surprises me in this day and age, as it is more clear than ever, that regardless of which side is in power, nothing changes, and the wheels and cogs get oiled & greased exactly the same.

Banning the words fake news also in my eyes, gives more support to banning people like Alex Jones. They will look for a different angle of attack to discredit him and people like him, and as much as I do not watch AJ for my own reasons, there is little doubt he has helped the truth community by calling out Sandy Hook and other false flags. David Icke is another target, and as much as I agree with 95% of what he says, I wish he would drop the lizard bit, or prove it, as it aids in discrediting him from most peoples eyes.


At the end of the day as far as I can see.

All sides of the political spectrum have no power on their own to change anything. We can highlight this perfectly via American politics with 1 single event. Obama signs a deal with other nations regarding Iran and the nuclear deal, and Trump comes along and scraps it a few years later, what changed? Nothing of note. In the UK when Labour get into power they build up the NHS, Try or do buy back national assets, and then along come the Conservatives to sell it off in parts or in totality. (Virgin springs to mind)

With everything revolving around terms, of average 4 years, 1 does one thing, people get fed up with the side in power, they vote for the other side, and so it goes on - over and over again, like a loop that got stuck in time!

Trump also helps to highlight how nothing changes, he ran on the lines of bringing the troops home, more though have gone than come back, Afghanistan is no nearer to being solved, Syria is a mess, so is Libya etc etc etc. Drain the swamp he said, and then surrounds himself with more of the same.

If you take a look at the UK politics scene, and Theresa May. It matters not if she does not land a deal with leaving the EU, for her it matters not if she resigns today, or gets sacked tomorrow. As at the end of her term in office comes a massive list of speeches to present, in the paid to speak tournament all ex prime-ministers take part in. Each event they speak at earns them 100,00's of thousand of them £, sometimes running into a million per event.

Her failure to deliver Brexit would not be seen as a failure, as she would have a million excuses to give why it failed, and who is honestly going to question a speaker at a paid for event?...

The name they give it is "the after dinner speech circuit.

BOJO CASHES IN Boris Johnson set to give £30,000 after-dinner speeches to raise funds ahead of divorce. Source

So there you go, before anyone comes after me again with partisan politics, I dislike them all equally, and hold them all in utter contempt.


Politics is in a terminal state of error for me.

Nothing changes whilst we have a left right shift, straight down the middle or nothing at all, as the rest just leads to arguments.

Just my point of view is all, have a cracking (superb) week ahead.

Images Pixabay.

@shepz1 drops mic & out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We need an all encompassing word for left/right idiots - oh that it -, idiots .
(although it's difficult to write about such things without sticking some word on them - otherwise you couldn't actually write the

LOL I do not like calling either side names, they both do enough of that without me joining in. :-)

NPC seems to fit quite nicely.

Love that one mate! Get ya mum on the goodnews network or some goodnews firstly lol, then the more hardcore non msm news channels lol..

The lizard thing is interesting though lol.

A eye researcher looked into 2600 sets of eyes and said that the retenas of 4% of the eyes where from reptile origins!
Who the fuck knows mate lol ☺

And a different "scien-tist says we all have a small reptilian brain, now where is my scalpel at to go and find out, via a politicians head. :-)

I believe it has to do with the blood type. The British royal family have Rh negative blood type. Causes all sorts of problems with their reproduction. & is thought to have a connection to reptiles blood. Although this has never been verified.

They seem to be breeding like rabbits at the moment, though with bloodlines from outside of their normal "class" as in non royals.

Years ago they had to marry other royals, usually from Germany or other European countries, not so much now though.

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Very true. What does change.

Politics does, it gets worse. :-) Nice to see you here. I added you to following last night, as I liked your articles.

Thanks shepz1 likewise. I often don't just find people to follow but your stuff is good.

Ditto my friend ditto. :-)

So true with terms of 4 years we just swing between sides and little ever gets achieved. No idea that they banned the words ‘fakenews’ is that a thing wtf?

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Yes in the lunatic asylum that is known as the United condom of rain it is now banned, by politicians that like to launch bombs on other peoples countries, usually in the middle east.

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