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RE: Not exactly breaking news, but Stefan Molynuex is on Steemit - some thoughts on Steemit "celebs"

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Yeah, but like I argued in the post - I don't think he has the time (or takes the time) to do that. You often see that with guys who are big on YouTube - they rarely answer. I don't know about many celebrities here, but @grantcardone is another. He only posts his stuff here, but does not engage with the community. I think the tweet looks very legit. It is from his account..

Like I said..I don't think the Steemit community likes that. And I believe Steemit will create it's own celebrities with time (I'm sure there are all ready some, like @jerrybanfield etc)

I'm sure Molly will get quite a few followers with time, and also make some bucks, but it's going to be interesting to see how this platform works when it comes to people who are exclusively on Steemit (or who used Steemit for leverage while posting on youtube at the same time) and people who came over from other platforms like YouTube.


We deserve a couple of sentences for an introduction. If Max and Stacy can do it, Stefan can do it. I upvoted zerohedge account in the past, but later on, I find out it's not real.

I'm not sure if we deserve anything, but I think that in order to have success on Steemit you need to prioritize it and engage with people. It's much more a social platform than YouTube with it's trollbox and zero incentive to behave decent to each other.

However, someone with that much knowledge, fanbase and reputation will probably do pretty well regardless of platform - and that is just fair considering the amount of brilliant work they have been doing.

I'm not so sure if we will get an introduction. But I tend to believe it is a real account. The Twitter account where the tweet came from is without a doubt his real account.

I just don't think he is prioritizing Steemit at this point, yet he wants to have one foot on the inside.

You right. That up to him. But for me, it's not enough and I will not follow this account for now. Thanks.

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