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RE: Not exactly breaking news, but Stefan Molynuex is on Steemit - some thoughts on Steemit "celebs"

in #politics7 years ago

It's great to see people like Stefan join Steemit, even if you don't agree with all he says. A person I really admire is @corbettreport. Like Stefan, he creates very high quality content, so being able to support him with Steem is very nice. People like James Corbett and Stefan Molyneux rely on the contributions of their audience and that's beautiful.


What?? You don't agree with everything he says! Blasphemy! ;)

Thanks for the corbettreport tip. Never seen before.

@scandinavianlife and @libertyteeth, you're both very welcome! James is by far my favorite independent investigative journalist.

Thank you! I've been following him on YouTube (James Corbett) but didn't know he was here, thanks!

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