
If there's any code in bitcoin that allows authority to take control of it, I haven't seen it. I'm a software developer and have looked at the code directly. So now you must assume that I'm either working for the deep state or you are in error.

Does the document seem legitimate to you being a software developer? I’m not being a smart ass, just wondering your opinion.

They've been working on electronic cash since at least the early 1980's. The problem is that they couldn't solve the byzantine generals problem without using a central authority and created a central authority every time. That document is technically very different from the Nakamoto white paper. Central authority is what they want to recreate such as FedCoin without the decentralized, censorship resistant, opensource properties of bitcoin.

The key difference is decentralization so that nobody is in control. Banks have central control. Governments have central control. Without it they lose their power. Ethereum has central control so watch it, not all cryptocurrencies are alike. You have to get into the tech details to be sure. I started out studying this material using Andreas Antonopoulos Mastering Bitcoin. That book is seriously out of date, but at least it will train your mind so that you will know what you're looking at when you download the source.

Great conversation too. Appreciate the wisdom. . I stand corrected.

Cool. Thanks dude. Great post.

Andreas Antonopoulos is one of the best sources for understanding bitcoin. You should indeed be worried about a replacement crypto. Andreas has an excellent video about what government is actually trying to do, I highly recommend it because it will make it perfectly clear to you where bitcoin falls in the broad spectrum of power:

In fact we just had an example of what he talks about above in the Equifax data breach...

Don't know what else to say besides, Wow and Thank you very much. One of the best bitcoin videos I have every watched. I will pursue more of his videos. Awesome!!

Another really good Antonopoulos video:

Never said they could take control of it but it certainly looks like they created from the document I provided. As far as I can tell it’s legitimate based on fact checking the source. The document is identical to the Satoshi white paper. Why would it be unreasonable to think they weren’t the creators other than most ppl just don’t want to believe or fathom the idea.

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