We Control You

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

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This family is the richest family in the world. They are rummer to be worth over $350 billion. How do you ask? It first started with them ripping off your great, great grandparents this carried on through the generations to the present time The main central bank in your country is owned and controlled by the Rothschild family. They run the central bank of almost every country in the entire world. Except for 3 countries North Korea, Iran, Cuba that list was longer. In 2000 4 other countries were on that list. Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya How did they gain financial control over those countries? They invaded and infiltrated their land. And with an unlimited amount of money and power they could manipulate any country into doing it for them. The U.S.A was chosen as a puppet to fulfill their plan. They wanted control over Afghanistan and Iraq first. The public couldn't know the real reason behind the invasion. They needed a horrible excuse that would turn America against the Middle East. 9/11 world trade center their is good reason people believe 9/11 was a inside job. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. By 2003 both Afghanistan's and Iraq's central banks got under control of the Rothschild family. Their first objective was complete. Sudan and Libya were Africa's last countries that weren't under their control now. This time they chose the United Nations as their puppet. Certain key people in the U.N. couldn't resist the money the Rothschild family offered them. It changed decisions and interventions taken in certain countries including Libya and Sudan where the U.N. intervened. By 2011 both Sudan`s and Libya's central banks now under control of the Rothschild family. Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya 4 down 3 to go North Korea, Iran, and Cuba are their last targets. Then they have all central banks in the world. who will be their next puppet? They've already chosen. On 12/17/2014 President Obama announced U.S. is changing their relationship with the people of Cuba after 50 years. Iran supreme leader sends reply to Obama's letter seeking better relations. Instead of using force the U.S. is now trying to befriend the countries the Rothschild's want control over. but what about North Korea? On 12/19/2014 U.S. blames North Korea for hack attack on Sony Pictures. Obama's "They caused a lot of damage and we will respond", "We will respond proportionally and we will respond of a place and time and manner that we choose". The U.S. is unable to befriend North Korea so they're doing exactly the same as before. Trying to make the public turn it's back against another country. Trying to justify a revenge attack that's only in place to extend Rothschild's wealth and power over the world. The entire world under their control one world government. When will we know they are in last stage? when you see the Al-Aqsa Mosque third holiest site in Islam and is located in the Old City of Jerusalem demolished and new construction. The New World Order N.W.O

The Rothschild family name can be traced back in time to the 1700s days of King's. In the 1760s they established a banking business and expanded internationally. They have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon. People like to say they don't fear the Lord but mention God or Jesus and watch them run. I say this cause the answers one might seek are deep in our history. From the first great war in heaven that no mortal man has seen learn the law of man. The teachings of Noah, Moses and Jesus Solomon's temple and the Templar Knights. The Templar's story has fascinated people all through time and gets their curiosity running. From the time of writing on papyrus to Kindle eBooks. Knights Templar at first glorified then accused. Who were the Knights Templar? Heroes a brotherhood of treasure hunters or like books like the Da Vinci code suggest the keepers of sacred knowledge. The story goes in 1119 the Templar's are formed to protect travelers going to the holy land. Nine middle-aged Knights was the mission really to protect travelers? Or possibly look for secret treasures. They stayed 8 or 9 years secretly digging tunnels under the temple mount. The temple mount is thought to be on the ruins of Solomon's temple today known as Al-Aqsa Mosque. One night in the middle of the night the Templar's left without warning. So did they find what they were looking for? Well now back in Europe they became very wealthy and powerful in a short period of time. Some think the treasure is gold, silver, and precious stones others think secret knowledge or even the holy grail. The holy grail like the Da Vinci code suggests bloodline of Jesus did not die with him on the cross. In fact Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and Mary had a daughter she named her Sarah. In Hebrew, Sarah means princess if this was true it would cripple the church. Why you ask? without a bloodline to Christ, the church passes on the word of god. The Da Vinci Code written by Dan Brown suggested Leonardo Da Vinci left clues in his painting of the last supper. Suggesting Mary Magdalene is sitting beside Jesus and not John the Baptist and the V between them signifying "The sacred feminine".

I myself found something and I would not share if i did not think it was significant. I first found what I thought was a symbol or something and their was 3 of them. So then i thought maybe the elf-abet. I found several elf-abets and had to narrow it down to Da Vinci`s timeline. What I came up with was (Qom) still means nothing to me. So I look it up and to my amazement it's a holy city in Iran. Talks about marriage and even temporary marriage as an institution sanctioned by the Prophet. Talks about Erfan and the honeycomb of ties. Erfan has many meanings over time the oldest meaning of Erfan is heightened self-control at a time of sexual awakening.

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