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RE: Ben Swann Is Back With 4 Part Report On America's Broken Tax System

in #politics7 years ago

Taxation is theft either way, whether it's the rich that get taxed or poor it doesn't matter.

What does matter is if the rich gets only a 1-2% tax, while others have to pay 90% taxes. Now that is immoral.

While making people pay for bullshit government programs, and wars, meanwhile they don't pay for it, but they advocate it.

So they want others to pay for stuff, but not themselves, at a gunpoint. Now that is immoral.

Either everybody is taxed, or nobody is taxed, you can't have loopholes.

I say nobody should be taxed, certainly the income tax has to be abolished.


Exactly. Taxation is theft and beside, it goes even further than that. If you tax the rich, it hurts the poor, because they can't produce as much and employ more people and pay them higher wages as they compete in the market. Taxes cripple the poor and innovation.
All taxes must be abolished and we much fund things voluntarily.

Some day! Let's all cross out fingers and keep educating! ;) haha

hahaha, indeed.

It was designed broken this way, is what I tell people, to benefit those in power at the expense of the masses who pay the freight, I echo what I say above in my comments.

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