Orwellian Doublespeak

in #politics7 years ago


If you listen to propaganda mouthpieces in the media or in the government, they are always trying obfuscate the meaning of words or outright advocate the exact opposite as they are saying.

Keeping People Safe

We are constantly hearing this motto, where the government justifies doing X just "to keep people safe" from terrorists, criminals, aliens , the yeti, bigfoot, etc....

They just want to keep people safe, can you believe that? Well it turns out they are doing exactly the opposite. They are instigating wars across the world, therefore the obvious blowback of that will be terrorists. They don't let ordinary innocent people defend themselves, therefore they will become prey of criminals. And so on, in every other aspect it is true.

For example there was a recent terror attack in Manchester, well who the hell did let all those jihadists inside Manchester? Wasn't it a Government program to let migrants in and put them on welfare? I believe it was.

And now instead of tackling the migrant & welfare issue, they will jut put armored police on the streets. I am not talking about the UK, but in general they will just put soldiers on the streets.

Do you really feel safer if you see armed soldiers on the streets, with boiling testosterone levels ready to pull that trigger at any time? Well I don't, and again I'm not talking about the specifically UK here, but in general this is what they are doing.

So instead of tackling the terrorism issue, they will just terrorize innocent civilians with the soldiers on the streets and the checkpoints.

I mean it comes a time at when this starts to look like Nazi Occupied Europe. When you have black uniformed goons with submachine guns marching on the streets of Europe (it doesn't matter what the reason is, it could be terrorism or the yeti, it doesn't matter) then that is exactly the same as it was 75 years ago.

We didn't won WW2 for this. Yet we are seeing the exact same tyranny repeat itself, because this is what governments do. Hitler or no Hitler, they always like to centralize power, and the government has a right to rule in their view, so they will use that right as they want.

Of course they will always say that they are doing this for the greater good, or for freedom, or to keep people safe. Bullshit. This is exactly how the Nazis used to justify the Holocaust too. But somehow people don't realize the irony.


The govenrment also promised people to keep them safe from cyber threats. Yet ironically the exact same malwares used by governments for hacking, were leaked and now they are being used on civilians.

How convenient. So they messed this one up as well.


In fact it's not just these incidents. Every single fucking thing that the government does, turns out to have a 180 degree opposite effect.

  • Did welfare systems end poverty? Nope
  • Did police ended crime? Nope
  • Did healthcare ended sickness? Nope
  • Did govt education system made people smart? Hell NO.
  • Did the military keep people safe? Nope
  • Did government fix unemployment ? Nope
  • Did government help your business? Yes sure with 90% taxes and 10,000 new regulations/year.

So the irony doesn't stop there. Governments are really so evil and so destructive, that you can't even describe this in words.


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Msm to me is a dark comedy lol

It's the Orwellian nightmare/NWO wet dream that is for sure. Just bury your head in the sand, don't worry, Big Brother is watching you....I'm mean watching OUT FOR you.

Anytime they get into something they ruin it

You are preaching to the choir in my case, my friend... :O



It is not a nice thing to admit, but human nature will always have a duality. There will always be good and bad people. As far as media is concerned, I refuse to believe a single 'anonymous' source that media claim they have! If the evidence, idea or content is valid, why would the source not be willing to defend against critics?

I understand that political persecution happens and that is why I am all for 'leaks of sensitive information'. ESPECIALLY when that information proves that harm (in the narrow, really serious way) was caused!

The problem is that there are some good reporters out there, it's just that they are stuck inside shitty news organizations.

For example Glenn Greenwald, he is a very respectable journalist, he has been a big supporter of privacy and freedom. So say what you want about the organizations he works at or worked with in the past, maybe he didn't had other opportunities.

But he risked a lot to do the 2013 Snowden revelations, and for that he earned a lot of respect, regardless of his affiliations.

So the problem is rather the corporate media system and the intermingling between governments, and not necessarily the individual journalists who are just working for a paycheck.

Yes! Reporters are what help revolution in an oppressed society! the problem is the networks that control them and have the marketing to crush independents.

But nowadays, because journalism pays so little, unless you work for a big sell out media company, you can't afford to eat. A handful of media companies literally own the world's news sources, so the journalists and reporters are really just propagandists forwarding the agenda of the organization.

Always in bed with government officials, political parties, etc. We live in a world where the left and right are equally brainwashed...stories are created to fit the mainstream narrative.

Upvoted, followed. Thanks, mate.

Ken McVay 1959
Ken McVay OBC
@dragon 40, Certified Curmudgeon

“It is difficult for my friend to express himself.
Why? Has he an impediment to speech?
Yes, he is married to her."--Will Ellis Miller
Ken McVay 2016

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