Nazi Economy of the EU - "EU Citizens are Economic Concentration Camp prisoners"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


Do you wonder why the EU economy is growing only 2% yearly instead of 20% or 50%? Well high economic growth is possible, especially if there is poverty everywhere, because poverty is an unnatural economic state, and in a free market the demand for wealth does create wealth eventually, which does eliminate poverty overtime.

But in a Nazi/Fascist/Socialist economy with mixed elements of all, you have huge taxes, massive regulation, and of course a war economy.

Now in the EU we have it all:

You can't make this up. Over 80% tax on you, you little tax slave. Meanwhile the Nazi corporations get away with 1-5% taxes and special tax deals and whatnot.

You are not allowed to compete, you are a slave to the EU Nazis. Taxing people at 87% in Germany, plus the inflation of the EUR, and other property taxes and whatnot. Maybe the taxes in Germany are close to 95%. Well that is like putting people in concentration camps for slave labor.

How is taxing people at over 90% not the same as putting people in concentration camps? The EU is a clearly Nazi operation.

Nazi Corporations in EU

You are not allowed to compete due to heavy regulations, that enforce the monopoly of the Nazi corporations, mostly originating from Germany.

Buy a Car?

So feel like buying a car in the EU now, knowing that they all had Nazi ties?


  • Does your head hurt from all these Nazis? Feel like taking an Aspirin? Well before you do that just remember that IG Farben manufactured the poison gas for the Nazi extermination camps. IG Farben's sucessor is now Bayer, who's main product is the Aspirin; and Sanofi, 2 pharmaceutical giants in the EU, with Nazi origins.







And many many more. You can search all day, you will find that most EU corporations have all had and/or still have Nazi elements in them. This explains why they have so much monopoly over the economy, and why the EU doesn't let others to compete with them.

So now you start to understand why you are taxed 90%, and the corporations get away with no taxes. It's because your are in a fiscal and economic concentration camp right now, built by scum Nazis from the European Union.


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


Interesting read. The rising unemployment rate sure is not a good sign. We need more conspiracy tag action on here for some entertaining discussions! :)

I did mentioned it, just click on the links to see:

Lightning and storm are frequent nazi symbolisms, I have linked it there:

Ahh, my bad! I'll edit

The rising unemployment rate sure is not a good sign

Well what do you expect when the taxes are over 80% or maybe even over 90% if you add them all up? How can a small business survive and compete with these nazi corporations who have special legal and regulatory protections, and no credit limits and pay no taxes.

You are living paycheck to paycheck in most countries, and are fed poisonous GMO foods to just die fast, so that the Nazi eugenics program can be succesful.

It's truly horrible what is going on in the EU.

I just wanted to say, I would usually have voted up the post on my own behalf since its controversial and would bring a lot of discussion to an uncensored platform. But since you are somewhat just "laying it out there" as facts or without a conspiracy tag or something of the likes I feel it would bring a lot of confusion to the voters that are following my curation trail.

Hope you understand my viewpoint :P

Time for a boycot!

Another great post, so whats must be done? dont buy products for those corporations and find alternatives ( dont tell me you cant find another car o camera there are a lot of brands doing fantastic work)
As far as the taxation something needs to be done this system and logic will only leed to chaos( in greece with the taxation lvls if you open a company you are already for example -1000euros
Some will argue that there are support programms etc etc that give you some starting money, well those cant do anything except if you manage to become a multicorporation in a year and meet the right people, if you know what i mean)
Most of the companies that follow the law 100% in greece and i believe in many countries too are the ones who will close up first because the whole system favors the greedy one ( and thats no communism which i dont like either, its just that the corruption lvls are way to high)
sorry for the long comment

so i live in a nazi area @profigenerator - where do you recommend to move towards then? Looking forward to you ideas!

Anywhere where the taxes are low, and human liberty is respected.

British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Monaco, Alderney, Sark, Bahamas, Marshall Islands, Macau, etc...

Mostly British overseas territories and other crown dependencies.

hmmm - let me think - where do you live?

I would like to keep that private. Although the taxes in the country are pretty high, the farmland investments that I have have decently low taxes.

However that other income is just viciously taxed. And I also despise the regulation that the EU puts on farmers, that I have leased out my land to. I have to charge them low rent, because the EU regulations make their agricultural business untolerable.

I will make something perfectly clear for all to see. You keep fucking with me, and you're going to keep costing others as I pay it forward courtesy of you. You can make 1000 bots buddy, you effect my disposable accounts in NO way, whatsoever. Not your flags, not your face. Nothing. You only aggravate situations. Fact is, a lot of this would have dissipated by now, if it was not for your mouth, You are like an unruly child that does not care to cost anyone or anything. As long as you keep running around running that shit at me or others, I'm concrete. There is no stopping me pal, you would have to take away EVERYTHING from every user as far as features for me not to be effective. You would have to cease this platform to rid of me. Whether it be these 4 accounts, or 100 more I make. I'm here, and a virusing plague to all that do not know their place. At this point, fuck all you know, fuck all you heard about problems. I define them. It is only in the best interest of ALL, that your friends and followers talk sense into you, or I will continue to reap havoc at my own will being only I am in control of me. Every post that posts out of every category, every new introduction post, every comment, I will paint diligently and proudly if you do not shut up to me, with your abusive bullshit. I will gladly hit them at a 5 second rate per as well, instead of a set 20 second rate. I am really tired of talking to you. Do not cost others boy, because you will. And let the world know it will not end until one "boy" is silenced from abusing others. Fuck you, fuck github, fuck steemit network, fuck everything, until you shut up to me.
Sincerely, iLoveToFuckShitUpOnAccountOfAbusiveBastards ~

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