Big Brother is a NazisteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago


It is no secret that all surveillance tools and technology have originated from Nazi Germany. The Nazis had the most sophisticated surveillance apparatus in their time that they used to terrorize innocent civilians. Well all the technology and methodology of today's tyrannical surveillance can directly be tied to the Nazis.

The first thing Hitler did was to issue the Special Order 48, which enabled the massive surveillance and tyrannical Gestapo secret police to carry out terrorization of innocent civilians, surveill them 24/7, and persecute them politically for any kind of dissent.

This meant:

  • Reading all mails (equivalent to reading all e-mails of today)
  • Listening to all phones, private and public (still happening today)
  • Installing bugs and listening devices in important people's homes, yes the technology already existed back in 1930
  • Setting up a Gestapo informant network, "if you see something, say something", where your best friend or neighbor can rat on you if you have any anti-Nazi thoughts.
  • Torture chambers for political prisoners
  • Mass execution of dissenters
    ....and other horrible things

Now you would think the dumbass politicians have learnt something from history, but no. The same thing is happening just today, but it happens on a much larger scale.

So instead of learning from the horrors of Nazi Germany and the atrocities committed in the Holocaust, modern governments instead try to mimic it, as if they were secret admirers of Hitler.

Nazi Technology

Furthermore all surveillance technology used today was originated from Nazi Germany's technological advancements. The Nazis had a war economy, which meant a lot of research into surveillance as well.

And radio listening technology was already invented by the First World War, the Nazis only had to perfect it, to create their own police state.

After the war, the Nazis were imported into the United States and the Soviet Union to aid these countries to develop their own police state based on existing Nazi technology.

So these Nazi scientists were directly responsible for current military and surveillance technologies existing today. In fact Hitler must be proud now seeing that western governments are carrying on the Nazi police state/eugenecist plan that Hitler envisioned.

We are truly living in a fucked up world, run by Nazis:



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