Would you like a Chip under your Skin?steemCreated with Sketch.


Technology is progressing, and it is becoming easier and easier to enslave people. The current trend is the "smart" phenomena, whereas every single device you will own will be smart. It is collectively known as the Internet of Things, which is just an euphemism for total surveillance, because every single device has a camera and a microphone built in it that passively listens to you or records you and sends that data to the Government, or it could also "accidentally" send it to Hackers, Pedophiles, Burglars, Kidnappers, and so on.

Now the IoT is already happening. The next step is the Chip under your Skin, or possibly inside your skull, that will be the new trend in 5-10 years, after the IoT spy-grid is setup.

Why is it wrong?

Why is a Chip under the Skin wrong? Isn't it trendy? Isn't it cool to be marked as a cattle by your slavemasters? I mean it's not like it's the modern version of a Nazi Concentration Camp Badge, or is it?

I am sure this is not a Nazi New World Order conspiracy in order to enslave humanity and make the entire planet a concentration camp where everyone will be marked by the "Mark of the Beast". Or is it?

So what are you going to do about it? Accept your enslavement or fight against it politically?


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


Good choice, I thank you in the name if Humanity. There is at least some resistance against this madness. Because most people are just too dumb or too trendy to realize the evils behind this.

But isnt the number that is against it growing?
They are not aware because its meant that way, educating the masses is hard against all thise programming.
Its only in the US and Australia that are starting now..theres hope.

But isnt the number that is against it growing?

I am not sure, the number is certainly growing amongst liberty minded people, but that is only a small percent of the population. Most people are either ignorant, complacent, or actually like it. Especially younger people, who are too trendy to realize the evils of the political establishment, and whom have never experienced suffering.

Many people are spoiled these days, and don't recognize evil, until it is right before their face, but then it's too late.

Because it's cool and convenient :)
Keep telling my friends in the US to not have the chip.

No Chip for me :-) I like technical stuff but I own only a very old mobile phone.
Smartphones seem to be very practical but they are the door opener for such a BS crap chip.

Same for me, I like technology, but only up to the point until my privacy and freedom is intact.

I would certainly not sacrifice my liberty for trendy objects.

Great feed

Hell no!!! Thanks for sharing this.

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