All Alone: The Voice of Dissidence @positive #politics - #steemit

in #politics8 years ago

Edit: Moved the post to an appropriate tag

There's a misconception that blindly riding the wave is the best way to support STEEM.

But I want you to realize you are directly contradicting the vision espouse in the whitepaper:

Freedom of speech is the foundation of all other liberties and any infringement upon
freedom of speech undermines the only peaceful means of reaching consensus: discussion.
Without free discussion voters cannot be fully informed, and uninformed voters are a
greater threat to society than losing the right to vote. Censorship is a means of stealing votes

You can't imagine how pleasing it was for me to read that.

Finally, a social media platform dedicated to open, censorship-free discourse.

I just want people to know that when I'm being critical, I'm not trying to spit on the network or on any individual in particular.

I'm trying to challenge ideas to help foster the kind of communication environment described in the Whitepaper.


I'm not feeling it hey... Too many voices are being lost in the hype. People with the most power are easily dominating this place. I know I sound like a whinger/whiner, but it's true. I see heaps of good posts going no where. It's really sad.

To some extent I would have to agree. However that is even more true with older social media platforms like youtube and twitter with the cheer power of follower count. In all social platform, early adopters and people in it for the longevity has something to gain. Good news though, there is an update coming out in the next couple of days that will cut payout time from 24 hours to 12 hours. This might have positive impact on the front page and over all reach-abillity for more posts.

The update is interesting, still I agree with @senseiteekay Thought provoking topics tend to get whashed away by boobsavy content about very mundane things. Then again, thats how it sort of goes #IRL

And no, it's not whining when you are disagreeing with specific points. As long as you can articulate your ideas properly.

I have a fundamental believe in Steemit becoming a successful platform. At the moment I think what we are experiencing is just the beta child diseases. Once things like following and user profiling becomes more user friendly things will definitely change for the better in regards to getting washed away in the hype.

Future Food

Very unique insight, and positive view. Thanks for that!

"Thought provoking topics tend to get whashed away by boobsavy content about very mundane things. Then again, thats how it sort of goes #IRL ".

Could not agree more with these two sentences!

But as I said to @positive before: True, people who command more votes will still command more votes. And do so by being invested in the network, either with time, knowledge, and/or money. Whether the mathematics/algorithm is fair or not is up for the user to decide.

Maybe the steemit network prefers "boobsavy content about very mundane things" before thought provoking topics? Which it has the right to do.

If that will remain true for a longer period I believe other networks will spring up to fill that void, and to foster a more thought provoking discussion.

I agree. I've stopped posting as much for this reason. I don't want to waste all my good ideas on the beta phase and have them get lost in the hogwash. Thanks for your input.

Doubt it, because people who command more votes will still command more votes.

True, people who command more votes will still command more votes. And do so by being invested in the network, either with time, knowledge, and/or money. Whether the mathematics/algorithm is fair or not is up for the user to decide. I personally believe that many things will be altered in the future, by simple market/user pressure.

I was shocked to see infovore downvoting you was enough to censor you (you even had 5 upvotes on that post!)
I think it is something the devs need to sort out. or it is a broken tyrannical system where those in (steem) power can censor at will.

Thanks for that, I think it was absolute nonsense. Not even like I harassed anyone...

you wanna see freedom of speech in steemit?
ok I will show you,
all of my comments are being downvoted in an attempt to hide them (check my comments page). Cheetah00 to Cheetah13
There you have your freedom of speech in steemit.

Tbh though your rape comment was a bit risquee, I support freedom of speech, and people who disliked it could just have ignore it. I never think it's good to punish skepticism.

I agree it was risquee, now, see the post you just replied to,
it was just downvoted by the bots of @anyx
this is automated censorship
it doesnt matter what I say, all my comments get downvoted by this bots,
the only reason you can see them is because I upvote them, else they would be hidden..

If you want email me at [email protected], or drop down your email here and I'll invite you to my slack.

Btw I wrote about your case in my new post

I will email you. Thank you for acting on your principles.

I upvoted, because I believe in free speech. Now it's on $0.01

:) Thank you, please keep writing about issues like this,
and let me know if there's anything I can help you with,
your post gave me a place to present my censorship problem and have it solved. I value that.

Critical thinking is good for all, keep up what you're doing and always speak your mind!


I found this extremely appealing as well, massive thumbs up.

In steemit it stays forever on the blockchain, thats the beautiful of steemit

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