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RE: Why is it not especially " Racist " to Hate and want to Kill Whites for their " Privilege " of being White ?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The fact that these people are unable to see their own dangerous idiocracy and hypocrisy is shocking. They are literally mind controlled by nearly 200 years of white guilt that has been heaped upon their proverbial shoulders! I refuse to feel any form of guilt for 1% of (elite) white people that owned a slave 200 years ago! or from our royalist and elite controlled colonial past. In fact it's probably the bloodlines of those who now manipulate this hatred that actually owned a slave. Slavery has been traced back to 800bc (and beyond) and has over the course of human history been practiced by every civilisation in our long and bloody past! Equally it was still legal in Saudi Arabia until 1962. The ignorance of these people is beyond idiotic, it's frightening!

Last year a group of Morris Dancers (with blacked out faces) were attacked and run out of somewhere in England (can't remember where) and accused of being racists. Now if they had done their research they would know that this is a historical dance that tells the story of black slavers that used to raid English coastal villages and sell white people into slavery. Indeed it's happened throughout history and throughout the world and that's certainly not a good thing but I refuse to have any form of guilt laid at my feet. I hate racism and have spoken out about it throughout my life and so I feel justifiably angry at these pathetic generalisations. In my world view we are one and you are all my brothers and sisters, I see and feel the essence of people not their skin colour. These people are slaves and they don't even realise it for they are slaves of the mind and it's time to break the chains.

You know when I was younger I understood the cyclical nature of reality and history and so wondered how and where the next mass wave of western racism and hatred would rise from. Now I know, for they have manipulated both white guilt and historical anger within the abused communities. They have manipulated it to such a point that these idiots have become what they hate but are completely unable to see it. Such is their hatred they would carry out genocide tomorrow, and you know what? they would feel completely justified in doing it. Thanks for all your work @gomeravibz


No i am like you, no guilt at all for the actions of people i never knew or lived with !! Historical guilt is ridiculous as it negates your reality and present life !! If you base your actions on things of the past then you are fool, as you were not there and do not know truly the issues and are just reacting with emotions to what genrally is a manipulated and loaded agenda that benefits somebody somehwere but generall not you !! Yes they are idots to fight inequality with inequality and hate !! Sad to see this in our post Martin Luther King times, as this man words, I thought had laid to rest this entire situation, but then they killed him before he could complete his education plan for the black community !! So now they are as clearly a lost as ever and my post and the worrying content provided is proof of this !! Yes i agree if left unchecked this will be a war that will rip America to shreds, no doubt the plan !!

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