Why is it not especially " Racist " to Hate and want to Kill Whites for their " Privilege " of being White ?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Why in 2017 in America are people who claim to be against racial hatred and the singleing out of people for abuse because of the colour of their skin now using the exact same methods and terminology that they claim to be against to point the finger at White people ?

People are claiming now that " White people are somehow a Genetic Mutation of Blacks " and that " Whites are not Real and just a Social Construction ! "

I mean what ? Really ? How can people who claim to be such fervent "Social Warriors" use phrases such as this in regards to White people ? These terms being pumped into our heads by a clearly anti white pro leftist social agenda in the media and entertainment industry !!

Look at this very surprising collection of social progamming films disguised as publicity to give you an idea of where we are at ! Do these absurd and clearly racially based communications seem to be a correct and legal representation of the mindset we need to be projecting to the genral public in these clearly racially stressed time ?

With groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa now in our streets attacking people for the colour of their skin. Surely its time to see and accept that this behaviour is as stupid and politcally misguided as the the KKK themselves. We need to step back from the heat of this George Soros backed racial stew brewing right now and see that all forms racism whether it be from the white community or indeed the black community are unacceptable and must be beaten down and resisted by us all !!

But when you see the level of clear hate being projected right now from these Anti White groups you really have to ask yourself why these groups are allowed to continue this dangerous war of minds ? Seemingly untouchable legally and with no hard consequnces from the law as they ask for the killing of whites in the streets and in their homes !!

Here is great a video shot by " Red Elephants " from Youtube, where people meet once a month to discuss " White Privilege " in Santa Monica, California and how it must be brought down. If this were white people meeting once a month to discuss how Blacks were disgusting and had no place in society I am pretty sure this would be a big deal and all people attending would indeed be arrested for the benefit of the wider public ! But here they meet openly in a publicly provided room paid for with public funds to discuss racially biased and distorted opinons which are just well.....beyond the pale !!

Anti-White Meeting in Santa Monica

Just look at this white woman call out herself for the bringing down of supposed " White Privilege " and that we as White people should now be regarded somehow as illegal immigrants here in America with no rights to anything !!


But it continues, just watch this one to see how this social programming has brainwashed this young man to literally hate himself for being White ! Its truly beyond words and it really proves that if you say something for long enough and loud enough, that eventually its effects are felt in society as a whole !! This young mans level of mind control is really terrifying is it not ?


This is the final image i will leave you all on this subject. I think it demonstrates how bad things have become in this propoganda of " Death to Whites " As looking at this it seems politically acceptable in this post Obama society of America to call for death by hanging of White people ! Why is this painfully graphic enactment of the hanging of a little white boy in this music video somehow acceptable by todays standards ? Is it because he is white that its not offensive ? Is this not the worst thing you have ever seen ?? In the world which I was born this simply would not have been allowed to be aired in a public space yet this passed on MTV ?? The creators of this disgusting racially motivated anti white film should be arrested for supplying such images which insinutate that the killing of whites by hanging is a solution to this thing which they call " White Privilege ! "

XXXtentacion Music Video Hanging A Young White Boy Scene 2017

Please leave me your thoughts and comments as ever below in my comment section and thanks for having shown intererst in this extremely dangerous and disturbing phenomen on the rise in modern day America !



Cultural Marxism and it's open season on white people.

"There is no such thing as white privilege
It's people with money and control constantly using money and control to turn poor against poor they don't give a shit what race, creed, color, brown, white etc anything you are. Just as long as they can get you fighting against each other and making sure that you don't realize who's really pulling the strings." - @cips-clips


Cultural Marxism exactly.

Yes you are both so right @dwinblood and @chieppa1. the word cultral marxism indeed, great you nail the thing right there ! A cultrural Marxist controlled high tech multimedia MKultarised hate of white christian people in their own lands ! While our dreaded enemy of enemies, Islam is placed amongst us and against or will ! This is the potential for the beginning for Genocide unequalled ever in history, namely White Genocide or open season on us by them and for the others we never get to see or know as they are indeed secret !

Plain and simple it's just racism, not matter how they try to justify it.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

We should probably change that to: "Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it."

Racism is racism no matter what colour the skin of the sayer of this sort of clear stupidity !1 We need to refind respect for ourselves before we can hope to be respected by others !1 Everything good and positive comes from within and not from an outside source or influencing party with a private agenda of which you may or may not be aware !! thanks for the comment and support @morkrock on this I think important post right now )

Yeah bro I completely agree, the normalization of racism against white people seems to be a growing trend. Nothing good will come of this. Great post homie, love your work!

hey thanks so much for saying that, i really need a lift right now, been alot of soul searchin going on ! But I stick to my guns and say what needs to be said, with the hope that others join mine !! As indeed this insanity needs to be stopped by law enforcement when discovered, or elase its a declaration made by media on the " open season " on us whites ! I am sure you can imagine what that will mean if it ever is allowed to get to that ?? scary indeed, martial law,industrialised fema reprogrammation sites, a captive and imprisoned rfid chipped public !

Humanity needs to stop falling for the hate bait and just UNITE already! The banksters are just laughing their asses off at us...they get us all to fight and police each other and they hardly even need to lift a finger...

Second that babe, sadly too many are dumbed down morons that follow the jerkweed who shouts the loudest, I bet the instigators are pissing themselves laughing at the stupidity of the masses. I know I am.

Oh yes well said indeed @lyndsaybowes ! Yes the winners in this ludicrous game of " divide and conquer " are the shady sorts we never see or hear that pull the strings to make us jump and punch on command as you say !! thanks for the great comment as ever and your support )

Nope, no matter how hard I try to understand these creatures, the answer is the same: Mental disorder. True, there's a lot of manipulation going on and we are pushed into hating each other, but still the people in these videos, they're mental.

Oh yeah totally agree @ladyrebecca total insanity of that I am pretty sure !! Perhaps we need to have psychological checks made on people before they post their dangerous thought vibrations to the world and impact so sadly our living enviroment as a whole ?? I am so sick of the stupid, its like living in "funny film " Idiocracy " but without the laughs as this seriously is getting very dangerous indeed !!

"White guilt" is the only thing the liberals have left. And I feel TERRIBLE about every slave I ever owned... which is to say I have ZERO white guilt because I never owned any slaves, I never practiced racism in my life, I was BORN in this country and my ancestors FOUGHT and WON this land in a war, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER PIECE OF DIRT ON EARTH.
Humans have a war filled history. It is sad but it cannot be changed. We CAN have a peaceful future, but not by hating each other based on skin color, even us white folk are just folk...
Thanks for this timely piece.

Yes well that a nice comment indeed @fishyculture !! Could not agree more !1 The thing that most guilt ridden whites dont realise that slavery in Africa existed for thousands of years before even the whites arrived in their ships in need of cheap labour for thier colonies in the Carribean and elewhere !! It was blacks and mainly the western Coast Senegalese that made profits from selling their brothers and sisters to the " White Man " ! This is a known fact amongst Africain Intellectuals and Historians and cannot be denied !! So how are we " customers " of the " sellers " of men responsible for slavery ??

Well done for having the stones to stand up and say what many think people but are too kowtowed by the SJW morons to say out loud.
This shit needs to stop.
These Soros funded left wing lunatic groups need to be shut down and Soros and his ilk strung up from the nearest lamppost.
Great job dude.

I am wondering how long before my steem wallet findfs itself without an owner ?? Maybe I should power down already and enjoy my suicide with two bullets or my body washed up mysteriously on the shore ?? ( As I am sure you can see I am past worrying about that as well.............fck these people really !!

I feel ultimately the divide and conquer isn't going to work

Well you might be right there @battleaxe ! We can but hope, but until we see the burying of this racist hatchet being used to destroy America we need to go throught the pain and ask the important questions which I hope my post has posed !! thanks for being here in my comment section as ever ))

This is how Trump won.

I must say that you are not alone in talking about this, although this is the first I have seen of this on steemit. I have, for a while, wondered how people can use these antics in their war for "equality". In a conversation I once had with someone using such an epistemology they stated that you cannot be racist towards people whom are white or sexist to people whom are male. I found your post well written and congratulate you on bringing forth the topic.

Well thanks so much for this encouraging post @kryzsec, you support is much appreciated right now I can say !! Yes its strange to see how they fight racism with well....racism ! Pretty insane indeed and I think this is what it comes down to as these people are clearly brainwashed victims of this hive think mentality installed through all media outlets and entertainment industry !! The thing is now that we see we have these dangerous sorts around us, what must we do to make sure they do not drag us back to wars which were fought and won many years ago !! Do we really need to go back there, should we allow them to do this ?? We need to act quickly with the coreect response as if left it will burn all of our houses down !

The fact that these people are unable to see their own dangerous idiocracy and hypocrisy is shocking. They are literally mind controlled by nearly 200 years of white guilt that has been heaped upon their proverbial shoulders! I refuse to feel any form of guilt for 1% of (elite) white people that owned a slave 200 years ago! or from our royalist and elite controlled colonial past. In fact it's probably the bloodlines of those who now manipulate this hatred that actually owned a slave. Slavery has been traced back to 800bc (and beyond) and has over the course of human history been practiced by every civilisation in our long and bloody past! Equally it was still legal in Saudi Arabia until 1962. The ignorance of these people is beyond idiotic, it's frightening!

Last year a group of Morris Dancers (with blacked out faces) were attacked and run out of somewhere in England (can't remember where) and accused of being racists. Now if they had done their research they would know that this is a historical dance that tells the story of black slavers that used to raid English coastal villages and sell white people into slavery. Indeed it's happened throughout history and throughout the world and that's certainly not a good thing but I refuse to have any form of guilt laid at my feet. I hate racism and have spoken out about it throughout my life and so I feel justifiably angry at these pathetic generalisations. In my world view we are one and you are all my brothers and sisters, I see and feel the essence of people not their skin colour. These people are slaves and they don't even realise it for they are slaves of the mind and it's time to break the chains.

You know when I was younger I understood the cyclical nature of reality and history and so wondered how and where the next mass wave of western racism and hatred would rise from. Now I know, for they have manipulated both white guilt and historical anger within the abused communities. They have manipulated it to such a point that these idiots have become what they hate but are completely unable to see it. Such is their hatred they would carry out genocide tomorrow, and you know what? they would feel completely justified in doing it. Thanks for all your work @gomeravibz

No i am like you, no guilt at all for the actions of people i never knew or lived with !! Historical guilt is ridiculous as it negates your reality and present life !! If you base your actions on things of the past then you are fool, as you were not there and do not know truly the issues and are just reacting with emotions to what genrally is a manipulated and loaded agenda that benefits somebody somehwere but generall not you !! Yes they are idots to fight inequality with inequality and hate !! Sad to see this in our post Martin Luther King times, as this man words, I thought had laid to rest this entire situation, but then they killed him before he could complete his education plan for the black community !! So now they are as clearly a lost as ever and my post and the worrying content provided is proof of this !! Yes i agree if left unchecked this will be a war that will rip America to shreds, no doubt the plan !!

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