The Journey of Power. (read to the end it gets less gloomy)

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Things are no different today than they have been for thousands of years, it is easy to start learning a bit about the real world that was denied to us in our schooling (oh how they mock us). There has ALWAYS been a group of people (and always will be) that will wield political power over the masses (us). The only thing that has really changed is logistics. It is now possible for a smaller and smaller group to control a much larger population and bend it to its will.

If we step back a little bit and look at what is currently going on it is very hard not to be in awe. The amount of organization and resources these people have managed to cobble together is unbelievable (John D Rockefeller bragged about 150,000 names in his Rolodex). The fact of the matter is that it does not matter if they use gold, a federal reserve, or a gun they will always be there ruling us. They understand how to use rhetoric, and that is the true power over the masses. They have their own game they play in which we are nothing but the pawns. The fact is a small group has managed to slowly consolidate power and are working towards their goals. It does not matter to us who they are, and if we removed them another group would take the spot, and they most likely would be worse.

When you look into people like Huxley, and realize that as crazy as it seams he is right, and in fact doing the masses a favor. He has managed in some crazy way to align the interests of the masses with that of the rulers. Brainwashing the masses into loving their servitude is in fact the best we can do, both for the masses and for the rulers. It lowers the cost of management of the slaves and also lowers the necessity for force against them. They will do their best to keep us fed and entertained as hunger and boredom are the only ways a population revolts, it could be worse… much worse. Yes they poison our food and water, but at least there are good drugs to take away the pain if something goes too wrong and we are not starving in the streets (yet anyways). They have been times in history that have been much much worse for the masses.

I know this might be hard to take in and I have been struggling with coming to this understanding for years now. Those at the top are not evil (at least they don’t see themselves that way), they are human and do what humans do… They look out for themselves. There will never be a benevolent leader that will free us, as this is counter to human nature. If there was a benevolent leader he would quickly be taken over by a malevolent one as they are willing to do what it takes to get the power to rule. If that ruler is not willing to do whatever it takes to keep power one will come along that is… so you will ALWAYS have the most ruthless rise to the top.

If you are one of the unlucky few to have broken free of the brainwashing realize that you have only managed to find your chains. With that being said you can use your knowledge of the system to run mostly free. A simple life free of debts and living outside the system as much as possible, use your time for yourself, learn skills, philosophy, their control methods (both physical and mental), and anything else that interests you. Do your best to fly under the radar, and educate others in a non controversial way.

All is not without its ironies though, and as they say those who laugh last laugh best. When you are at these upper levels of power the money you have does not make you happy, and the people you have to associate with are not worth associating with, so if you want to get down to the heart of the matter we are better off than kings. If you doubt it look into the eyes of anyone with power, do you ever see genuine happiness or fulfillment? The truth is they are the slaves to their own power, those brainwashed are loving their servitude, and the few of us awake are free and can live the good life if we choose.

Thanks for reading :)



Nice post! Agree with you for the most part. What angers me however is that we being fucked in so many ways and there is not much we can do about it. We have to breath the poisoned air, and pretty soon people will have no choice but to vaccinate their children. I am also afraid that once 5G is established, we will have a hard time living outside the system. My only hope is that I am dead by then. Even though they are using the boiling frog method, everything seems to be speeding up and the water gets pretty uncomfortable, even for the dumbest...

glad you like it, if you get bored I have many more on my feed and ramble about many topics. It's ok to be pissed but hopefully this puts it in a different perspective that is more manageable.

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