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RE: Voting is Flawed. Is There a Fix?

in #politics6 years ago

Voting kind of a nice topic to pick this morning especially when we have it just around the corner here in Nigeria, voting they said is democratic and each individual have the ability to change the outcome of a process with his/her vote but sometimes not always the case, we tend to neglect so many things when voting and like you mentioned above giving vote some times is not because the candidate deserves it but due to various option available be it

affinity to popularity, mood, relationship, patience, time, returns, etc.

At the end we sometimes end up picking the wrong individual probably due to unavailability of a suitable candidate, promising of a better tomorrow which usually end up been a lie.

Only if there was a better fix available and your post said something quite unique is on its way and might take some time, that been said it's always better to look and hope tomorrow would be better.

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