What Democrats are Running For

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Nothing. As far as I can see Democrats are not running for anything.

One can't say Democrats are running for a relaxed control of our borders because they have no plans for what what kind of control we need for our borders. Democrats are running against border control. They want to abolish ICE and allow the borders to be completely open. The last few posts I've made have demonstrated how illegal immigration has been destroying the middle class by keeping an excess of available labor allowing companies to grow and add workers without increasing wages. Open borders will only bring more immigrants into the country further flooding the job market.

Democrats are running against lower taxes. Using lower taxes to generate economic growth is not a Republican idea. The first president in recent history to lower taxes to generate growth was John F. Kennedy, a Democrat (although he wouldn't recognize or be accepted in today's Democratic Party). The Revenue Act of 1964 reduced the top individual tax rate from 91% to 70% and corporate income tax was reduced from 52% to 48%. Reagan picked the idea up when he was president and the idea became known as Reaganomics by Democrats opposed to the idea of improving the economy. Now Democrats are running against the Tax Cuts of 2017 wanting to repeal them in spite of economic growth rates at 4% with record unemployment throughout various minority groups.

The benefits of economic growth under President Trump's tenure is chronicled in the article A Rebirth Of Self-Reliance? Food Stamp, Welfare, Medicaid, Disability Rolls All Dropping Under Trump. During this time 2 million people have come off food stamps, putting food stamp recipients at the lowest level since May, 2010. Enrollment in welfare was down 12% last year, 100,000 people off the Social Security Disability program, and almost a million people off Medicaid. Reagan was right when he said "A rising tide lifts all boats".

Democrats are running with the intention of undoing the efforts so far to dismantle Obamacare. I would never say our health care system couldn't be improved upon. I would like someone to explain to me why I need health insurance or pay a fine for not having it. Why as an older couple we need insurance for maternity care, similarly why would younger people need insurance to cover care for things that impact the more elderly in our country. This cookie cutter approach to health care drives up costs for everyone's health care. The paperwork bureaucracy of Obamacare made several doctors in the central Indiana area decide it was time to retire, of those that didn't, many decided the extra paperwork and lower reimbursement rates from Obamacare outweighed the potential extra patients. With this decision they decided not to accept Obamacare, just as many doctors have decided not to accept Medicare.

The Democrats only plan is to go back to something that won't work and really didn't achieve it's objective of providing health insurance coverage for all Americans. More open insurance markets, tort reform, health saving accounts will all help the rising costs of healthcare. Getting government out of the way and allowing market forces, competition, to work in the health care will also help.

The other thing Democrats are running against is President Trump himself. Democrats want to impeach President Trump on whatever grounds they can fabricate. Democrats keep referring to our nation as a Democracy, when it's actually a Republic that protects us from abuses that happen in a true democracy. The Democratic leadership in Congress wants to use coercion and extortion techniques on President Trump to skirt around the separation of powers established in the constitution. At least some of this stems from the invasion of the Democrat Party by socialist. Socialism cannot not exist in America without dismantling the Constitution, the two political ideologies are simply incompatible starting with the socialist government being ran by a central committee with no protections for the common citizen, or maybe the right word for socialists is comrade.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe the Democrats do have agendas they are running to support. From my standpoint these include:

  • wage stagnation
  • higher unemployment
  • the weakening of American culture
  • greater wealth disparity
  • higher taxes
  • more people on food stamps
  • more people on welfare
  • a lower sense of self sufficiency in the population
  • more expensive healthcare
  • lower access to healthcare
  • dismantling the Constitution

There you have it, my summary of the 2018 Democratic Party Platform.



this is a funny one.

Let's see what the elections bring

I checked out the link and liked the little video at the beginning of the post. Obamacare is so not good for Americans

It will be interesting to see if the polls are just as wrong this year as they were in 2016 when Trump had no chance of winning.

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