Pulling John Brennan's Security Clearance

in #politics6 years ago

You may have seen the story in the news of President Trump revoking the security clearance of ex-CIA Director John Brennan. My first thought was if he is the EX-CIA Director why does he need a security clearance, shouldn't our governments secrets be on a need to know basis? The government uses these secrets to keep us safe, it confused me why a former employee would still hold a security clearance.

Reading more I reached the understanding that this is necessary for the government to be able to reach out to these people if they have a specialty that needs to be consulted. It made sense. It's the same as in private business calling in a consultant to assist with a problem. These consultants are expected to maintain company secrets and in general be good team members with the permanent staff.

John Brennan didn't loose his clearance because he is on an enemies list of Trump. He lost his clearance because he is a poor team member. He's not supporting the Trump team so he is not trusted to be an advisor. If he's not an advisor he doesn't need a security clearance.

When teams are used to make decisions there are normally dissenting opinions on a solution to a problem. Teams work together to determine what the team in general feels is the best potential solution. Once the team comes to a conclusion, everyone on the team is expected to support the team's decision. Going through the motions of support while criticizing the effort is not being a good team member.

If you spend a few moments reading through John Brennan's twitter feed you will see that Brennan is not being a good team member. In fact he's acting like a spoiled child that hasn't gotten his way. Brennan's actions are not limited to Twitter. In an article by Caitlin Yilek in the Washington Examiner, Brennan continues to insist that Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. Although Brennan insist the claims of no collusion are "hogwash", he provides no evidence to support his accusation that collusion occurred. A simple Google search of "John Brennan" will give you more examples.

Brennan should stop acting like that spoiled child and the press should stop playing the part of the enabling grand parents that only make the spoiled child act even worse.


He sincerely has not maintained his usefulness nor the commitment to his former responsibilities.

Pesident Trump should continue to review the others in jeopardy. I am sure he can withstand any fallout from additional revovations. He has our best interest at heart.

Brennan, on the other hand, has lost all sense of patriotism. Been sucked down into the swamp.

In several different places I have read that Brennan is a communist with the concern of how a communist got a security clearance in the first place. Thank you President Obama.

I have not researched it so I really do not know. But from the different sources I have heard it from, which is probably 4 or 5, I would suspect it's true without doing my on research.

Everything you hear in the news today is all a charade. It may or may not have much basis in fact. It's all pointed at the elections this November. Discredit Trump and maybe more Democrats will get elected.

Democrats are so afraid that Trump will make more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court that they forget who will be president if they are able to impeach Trump. Mike Pence is far more conservative than Trump and would pick even more conservative Justices for the Supreme Court. They really don't know what they are asking for.

The current political atmosphere is disgusting.

We are wasting so much effort attacking the President. These Congressmen say things in public to look like a badass. They sound like spolied children. They act, well, a lot like a gang. A cult. If they have intelligence and were duly qualified to be elected they should have the country at heart. All we have on the Democratic side is a bumch of whiny, selfish, egotistical showmen. With big mouths and small ideas.
Actually, just one idea....attack Trump

Let them screw up and get Pence. Must be why Trump picked him for VP.

I find the comment about the Democrat side to be quiet sexist. The phrase "bunch of whiny, selfish, egotistical showmen" would tend to exclude some of the worst of the party. Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Claire McCaskill, and Maxine Waters should not be excluded like that.

Showmen is too generous in general.

Lets try robots driven by group mentale and safety in numbers. 'Asses' Gender neutral I do believe.

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