McCabe and Rosenstein

in #politics6 years ago

The post The History of Today included the question:

My question now is why has McCabe seemingly turned on Rosenstein?

This was in connection with trying to understand why Andrew McCabe would point out one of his memos verified the story of Rod Rosenstein discussing a plan to wear a wire to gain evidence that President Trump should be removed from office under the 25th Amendment. To me it appears the two have been working for years to protect each other and others while promoting a very liberal agenda.

I had completely missed or overlooked several articles in the news from September 6th and 7th. On those dates stories hit the news that McCabe is and has been the subject of a grand jury investigation. The investigation started after a report from DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz which found McCabe lied to Federal officials on four different occasions, three of those times were under oath. In addition, the report found that McCabe released information to a reporter with the intent to cast himself in a better light concerning two investigations. The two investigations were the Hillary Clinton email investigation and a second investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

One should question why McCabe was involved in these investigations at all. McCabe's wife received $675,000 for her failed 2015 Virginia state senate campaign jointly from Terry McAuliffe and the Virginia Democratic Party over which McAuliffe exerts considerable control. Terry McAuliffe is also a long standing friend and supporter of the Clinton's. Even though the donations were a year before and the senate campaign failed, the appearance of possible improprieties would be enough for most people to avoid.

Enough background, back to the point of why McCabe is now outing Rosenstein. Several of the posts I have written recently have centered around a small group of actors that seem to always be at the center of some kind of questionable activity. McCabe is the first of these actors that has made it to the point of being the subject of a grand jury investigation. This circle of individuals is starting to come apart. McCabe may see this as a sinking ship and isn't going to be the only rat left on the ship as it sinks. Rather than having everything hung around his neck, McCabe may be making an effort to show that he isn't the only rat on the ship.


Prosecutors interview Comey as they investigate whether McCabe should be charged
Read the report: Justice Department Inspector General's investigation of Andrew McCabe
Prosecutors use grand jury as investigation of Andrew McCabe intensifies


Every man for himself. If it would only blow up in their face. Maybe they should have a woman to back up their statements. She could remember something she thinks she heard somewhere maybe 2 or 3 years ago when two people she can't remember said something....then everyone would believe anything they say.

I suppose there has been dissention in every administrstion. I don't know if it has gotten worse or just more public these days. Certainly never so blatant.

If someone would just make a flow chart about who, what, where, when and how the arrows and circles would narrow down the sources of this unreasonable effort to dismantle this administration.....and several other stories I imagine. Kind of a real investigation.

Scares the crap out of me to know these people have power.

Around 6 years ago Shawn Hannity often made the statement the "journalism in America is dead". I didn't see it as much then but now it's painfully obvious. Not just the research involved in journalism but also the editorial efforts that once went into articles. Ten to fifteen years ago articles were written with research to back them up, there were articles with anonymous sources but not like today. Those articles had actually been edited to correct grammar issues also, unlike today. Don't look for your researched flowchart article, I don't think you will ever see it.

The dissension has gotten worse, much worse. I think it will continue to get worse though. In two years if President Trump gets re-elected Liberals will go absolutely nuts. Violence is already starting to show up with people getting heckled out of restaurants, a Trump re-election will push them to the point of real violence I am afraid.

The viewpoint that the truth doesn't matter in politics is spreading. The start of the blatant lying to reach a goal to me was with Harry Reed when he went in front of Congress while Mitt Romney was running for President. Reed made the statement that Romney was behind several million dollars on paying his taxes without proof. Romney lost the election and proved he wasn't behind on taxes. When it was pointed out to Reed that the story he told in Congress wasn't true his response was "It worked didn't it.".

At least for us we planned an escape if we need it, several years ago we purchased a retirement home in an area of Mexico safer than Indianapolis where we currently live. From there, I can read about all the idiocy going on here in the States without fear of getting involved in it.

Hope you don't need to go to Mexico permanently! Altough you can Steem from anywhere. We are thinking a mobile home on an acre somewhere down south....we'll just hide out in a little town, turn the other cheek and ride out retirement.

I went past our 'for sale' newspaper building recently and had many of the same thoughts regarding honest reporting, stories, truth and integrity. All gone.

You would think if Trump gets his 2nd term the opponents might finally accept defeat. However, the results are more likely as you predict. We seem to be going backwards as people but forward as a country. Trump will be trying to lead a bunch of whiny, hateful, selfish people who hate him. We are missing a chance to rally for our country. We have a strong leader and momentum and Democrats can't see past politics.

Not sure how, if or when we will be able to trust our elected representatives again.

So many true stories about untruths and people do not listen to those. It is just screwed up.

"Whiny, hateful, and selfish people" is correct, you might add immature to that list as well. Those people also refuse to acknowledge the good things that are happening in this economy. They won't acknowledge the GDP growth they once said was impossible with 2% growth being "the new normal". Not the additional money in their pockets due to the tax cuts. Not the companies that are bringing jobs back from foreign countries because regulations are being cut along with taxes. Not the record setting low employment rates of minorities. Nothing.

It's sad that so many are made deaf and blind by their ideology. My mother, before she died, asked once what I thought of Trump running for president knowing that Trump wasn't my first choice. I told her I once made jokes about an actor from California becoming president and he turned out to be one of the best presidents we have ever had. Haven't made that mistake again.

We had Arnold as Governor and Sony Bono in politics. There are a few Hollywood types currently who are toying with the idea of politics. Just because Donald Trump can, we can. Mr. Trump's qualifications run well beyond a whim to run for President. I feel he was 'training' a long time and, as he referenced once, was just waiting till the right time....Obama gave him his opportunity be screwing up. If nothing else I feel Trump is more than sincere in all his efforts. He has an ego, yes, but driven by sincere motivation. Proof is in the job he is doing. Success used to mean something.

After this Kavanaugh hoopla I am not sure what to say. I couldn't watch much of his made me cry. These people on this committee have the nerve to say they respect Kavanaugh but....

But! They don't know what respect is. They say Trump is a bully? Were they not listening to themselves? It was disgusting. And since they aren't going to vote for him anyway why. Why, why, why.

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