Claire McCaskill's Election Strategy - "People just can't know that"

in #politics6 years ago

Running for senate as a democrat in a republican state like Missouri would be difficult. Missouri voted for President Trump in 2016, with Trump getting 56.4% of the votes to Hillary's 37.9%. Claire McCaskill has been a senator for Missouri since the election in 2006. Currently she's a slight underdog in the race with Josh Hawley (R), but the margin is so close it might as well be considered an even match. So what's her strategy in a state that voted for Trump with a margin of almost 20%?

Project Veritas has released a couple of videos from interviews with Claire's campaign staff. Here's the first from YouTube.

So from this video you see that at least Senator McCaskill's campaign staff believes that she

  • supports bans on firearms, starting with rifles then moving later to handguns
  • supports abortion
  • does not support securing our southern border with a wall
  • wants to impeach President Trump
  • supports the ideology of Obama
  • accepts money from a PAC funneling money from Chuck Schumer
  • distances herself from Obama and the Democrat party to gain votes

From the campaign staff, the strategy for a successful election for Senator McCaskill is "The people can't know that". The truth is Senator McCaskill is either lying to her campaign staff to get them to work for her or she's lying to the people of Missouri to get them to vote for her. Anyone that promotes one set of values to one group and another set of values to another group makes me wonder if they truly have any values at all.

Here's the second video from YouTube

The first video talked about the campaign accepting money from Chuck Schumer in ways not easily uncovered. This one goes to the point that Planned Parenthood also donates to Senator McCaskill using obscure methods. These methods are intended to mislead the people of Missouri to believing Senator McCaskill is more moderate, hiding her true beliefs. From the second video, it's clearer to me that it's the people of Missouri that are being lied to rather than the campaign staffers. But then again, the "people just can't know that".

Just as in the Bredesen campaign in Tennessee, it's amazing how these young staffers openly accept that lying to voters is normal in politics. All of these young people need to spend some time developing some values of their own. I can't believe if they had honesty as a value they held close they would continue to work for either the Bredesen or McCaskill campaigns. To me, the association of these young people with political campaigns that are regularly lying to voters reflect on the quality of individuals they are becoming. Will Smith once said that "You are who you associate with.", these young campaigners need to look at the people they are associating with.


I am not sure which specific ideals attract people to those candidates. I cannot think of one topic the Democrats are campaigning on that actually is related to the concerns of people, the country, etc.

Each seem to campaigh on if they would support Pelosi or impeach Trump. Since Congressional votes are going to be tight it would be nice to trust our representatives.

I still say if politicians are that crafty in manipulating their campaigns maybe they should use the creativity to resolve national issues, not for personal and party gain.

There was a poll out recently indicating for a lot of Americans, health care was there number one issue in this election. I'm not sure who they polled, but it doesn't seem to be a huge concern among the people I hang out with.

I think the poll was done to give Democrats a real topic to run on.

If we get the border under control we won't have so many health care issues. Diseases we eradicated here have been allowed back in, no immunizations and we are paying health care for people the government doesn't even know are here.

A Republican majority and the border are issues. So, what wonderous healthcare solution are they offering?

From the 2016 Democrat Party platform, they believe healthcare is a right and want universal healthcare. To control cost they intend to

We will keep costs down by making premiums more affordable, reducing out-of-pocket expenses, and capping prescription drug costs. Democrats will also work to end surprise billing and other practices associated with out-of-control medical debt that lead to unconscionable economic strain on American households. We will offer relief so Americans do not face high costs, and we will fight back against insurers trying to impose excessive premium increases.

Hopefully someone can tell me what concrete steps the Dems would take since the above statement really says nothing.

Republicans want to expand the use of the different types of health savings accounts (HSA's) to allow us to pay out of pocket cost with pre-tax dollars. With these accounts now a young person could start putting money in and by retirement have a significant amount saved for care in their elderly years.

Republicans are looking to reform Medicare to make sure it will be around in the future, expand community health centers for preventative and primary care, allow customizing health care insurance policies to lower cost, and get the lawyers off the backs of doctors so any mistakes can be openly dealt with rather than hidden.

Medical care mistakes are currently the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Certainly I want people to be compensated if they are wronged, but continuing to hide all these mistakes only makes the problem worse.

Here's the Republican Party platform on Healthcare:

Republican Party on Health Care

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