Is it safe to MAGA?

in #politics5 years ago

Sorry to dab into politics again, but as I was reading this article, I just could not help myself. As we know, our dear country is very divided these days, and it seems like tensions are not easing up one bit. On one hand we have a growing movement of people who oppose everything the current administration does, even if it's good, while on the other hand we have a more conservative constituency doubling down on their beliefs as they get attacked more and more. So maybe, this is not too surprising, except for the fact that it is.

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The MAGA app?

Apparently some developers found themselves a little niche here, and boy have they capitalized. You see, the group that really despises Trump, has a special sub-group too. They are rightfully referred to as people who suffer from Trump derangement syndrome, and there is a good reason to be that descriptive. Not content with simply opposing policy, there's some members of this group who take things a little too far, confronting people at bars, at restaurants, etc.

Not that I share the need to wear a hat indoors, but In the name of self governance, I do believe that people should be allowed to wear anything they want on their heads, and the red hat is not that controversial or by itself disruptive enough as to be considered a hate symbol of some sorts. I mean, where is the benefit of doubt?

At any rate the newly released 63red Safe app, aims to help Trump supporters find friendly businesses where they can MAGA safely. Yes, you read that right. Places where they can go, drink a beer, have a meal, without worrying about someone denying them service or worse.

But wait, there's more

Apparently there's some security issues regarding this app and a researcher by the name of Elliot Anderson (like Mr Robot), was able to crack the code and enter it's database. This of course has made the safe app unsafe, spinning the whole thing into a beautiful ball of irony.

The MAGA safe places and the people attending them have been leaked apparently. I'm sure this is going to lead to some lawsuits and drama, but it will be months before we see the outcome of it.

I wont lie, I'm tempted to download this app and see who are the businesses that can be considered "MAGA safe" more so because I find the whole thing funny and sad at the same time.


There is definitely an app for anything these days. I still can’t understand the need to do this as we do live in a “free” country... I think we become too sensitive and forget that diversity is what defines us.

Posted using Partiko iOS

You are brave for starting this conversation, @meno. I think it takes some guts to bring up American politics on social media these days. Everyone is so touchy!

It is a bizarre time in history. I am dumbfounded by people’s behaviors daily, on both sides.

I don’t want anyone to feel persecuted for their ideas or beliefs, even if they support a political perspective I don’t understand or condone. And yet, that is what is happening, based on the goings-on you just described. There is so much irony in that, isn’t there?

I hope that one day this will all simmer down and we will again feel like the United States.

The big problem is that both sides see the other as some sort of vile abomination that needs to be quashed. It isn't healthy for reasonable discourse.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. We're digging trenches right now. The best way to defuse the powder keg we currently sit in is to actually sit down, talk out our differences, and maybe, just maybe, actually listen to someone who holds another viewpoint to our own.

Here's hoping we can do that before it's too late...

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Well said. Do you sometimes wonder if this is what the climate felt like just before the Civil War?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent review @meno and it is a pity that the application was hacked and now it’s not safe to download it!

it is a bit ironic, isnt it? hahah

Just a wee bit..

What is amazing to me is how many people believe the difference between neocons and neoliberals is more than rhetoric. Electoral mechanisms have long been coopted by actors that employ them without regard to the rhetoric or the 'will of the people' to effect their own agendae.

The policies enacted by government have but little to do with the rhetoric of politicians, and I have come to view political debate regarding candidates as the equivalent of a virtual machine which safely separates the actual policy development mechanisms from electoral mechanisms by keeping them in their little box where they are rendered null.

We all care about the issues flogged by politicians, to lesser or greater extent depending on the issue, but we cannot substantially impact those issues by voting for politicians. As far as I can tell this has always been the case. It has been so all my life, at least.

So how do we impact those issues? Well, what affects a given issue depends on it's nature, but for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and this is as true in human interactions as it is in physics. Do, and it will be done. Talk about doing, and it won't. If we're talking about policies that depend on a body of people all agreeing to implement them, then there is a better way to effect them than to elect a person to do so.

Steem shows the way IMHO. We can discuss policies amongst ourselves, and also commit an action while discussing that others can also commit, such as tipping or voting financial support for something.

If the action attains nominal financial support, by the time we're done talking the action is underway.


Maga is only a word/saying and only gives power if people let it. Its just a campaign slogan. Have people dont stupid hurtful crap in the name of "maga", but name me one thing people havent done stupid/hurtful crap about. Extremism is the issue not maga.

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MAGA safety first


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Testy test.... the answer is always yes. -- eonwarped




Good shit.

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