Iran? Seriously?

in #politics5 years ago

Unless you've been consciously avoiding the news cycle, you are probably aware of the fact that the war drums are being played these days. Yes, it seems like we are about to enter yet another conflict, and as you might imagine the fabricated consent is printing stories.

It almost seems as if people forget their history too quick. I mean, when has US intervention been helpful? When have we "given" people Democracy? And let's say that we have, let's concede for a second to that fallacy, Why is it our problem?

War hawks will always be war hawks, so I'm not surprised some of the same people that got us into IRAQ are pushing for this to happen. But, are we the people going to fall for this again? That's my only concern here, because I thought we could do better.

Listen, to talk about small government, about fiscal conservatism and what not is antithetical to the idea of us going to yet another war. Don't we have enough problems here at home to begin with? Can we address those first? Don't we have a crisis at the border? Don't we have crumbling infrastructure, an ongoing trade war that is gutting farmers?

The tactic is two-fold here. We might be literally going to war to benefit the military industrial complex and to secure a second term. To me, both reasons are disgusting to say the least. I'm no saying seeking reelection is wrong, I'm saying using WAR as the strategy is.

I'm so disappointed, I can barely contain my disdain for our politicians these days.



If you look back on the united states history since world war two you can see how we have entered into just about EVERY conflict in some way. Its actually rather shady and fucked up and honestly not sure the world is a better place (Besides the help we brought during ww2)

The one thing that bothers me the most is how it is ALWAYS the US and never the UN or our allies that help to bring other options to the table such as trade and diplomacy. I really feel it is up to some of these other countries to start doing their part when another country is flat out doing horrible things.

… can't fix morons... and war mongers … but I repeat myself

It's probably just a ploy to drum up support for persecuting Muslims in the US, maybe even to prompt some domestic terror attacks to distract everyone from alll other crap going on at home.

I doubt if they'll go to war now with the World Cup in Quatar in 2022. They'd alienate too many allies.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope you are right, but I fear you may not..

Not going to happen. Iran is a relatively developed nation. Its not Vietnam or Iraq.
Iran can kick some serious ass and other muslim countries wouldnt just stand by.
The only way the US could win is by dropping a nuke on Iran and i dont see that happening.

I hope you are right, but the mainstream media here is bombarding us (no pun intended) with reasons why we need to go to war. It's horribly stupid.

Really? Got any links? Id like to hear the justification behind their thoughts.

check this out... 120k troops!

US is controlled by lobby organisations and big corporations. And they want war, because it generates money. The ordinary man pay tax so that the big companies can get paid for weapons and logistics.

Lies and propaganda are the means to start the wars. Just look what they did in Iraq. Said it was full of chemical weapons even when UN said it wasnt true.

US bombed Syria and Libya too. Some of the most moderate contries in the Middle East. But, US are friends with Saudi Arabia and Yemen, two of the worst contries in the region...

These days??

hahahah touche... but, they do seem louder at least.

Iran has good peoples. And beautiful women. No need to go to war with them at all.

Posted using Partiko iOS

With all due respect to U.S.A and American people, Trump and his supporters are pretty much fucking up their future with the world!
Times of crazy monkey fights are over and we should act like civilized nations.
As an Iranian I will never want to go to a war against any Country, but We won't sit and watch someone coming to our land and tell us what to do!
We are a whole different species, Trust me! :)


Love and Peace! <3

Learn back to the history book, the dates and time is consistent. It looks like everything is plotted and plan long ago. It seems working as plan.

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