Under Eastern Eyes

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

In his book "Last Man Standing", former British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, quotes president Trump's NSA, John Bolton, with words below:
" Bolton is one of the few people in my public life that I’d be happy not to see again."

Photo credit: Sina Azodi


The first time USA and an American citizen played a major role in Iran's politics was May of 1911, when William Morgan Shuster was appointed as treasurer-general of Persia (Name of Iran back then) by Iranian newly founded parliament. The civil war which began after constitutional revolution was finished with revolutionists' victory. But with Britain and Russia's interferes and conservative aristocrats it was chaos all around Iran. As result Iranian parliament couldn't make the reforms intended by progressive young politicians. William Morgan Shuster describes the whole post revolution situation in the introduction of his book, "Strangling of Persia"
"Only the pen of a Macaulay or the brush of a Vereshchagin could adequately portray the rapidly shifting scenes attending the downfall of this ancient nation,— scenes in which two powerful and presumably enlightened Christian countries played fast and loose with truth, honor, decency and law, one, at least, hesitating not even at the most barbarous cruelties to accomplish its political designs and to put Persia beyond hope of self- regeneration."
Shuster's honesty and his loyalty to Iranian progressive revolutionists' dreams and his heart for the fate of Iranians made him a stubborn enemy to UK and Russia's interests in Iran and After five months of challenging with those two embassies and corrupt Iranian aristocrats, who couldn't accept the new era, Russian government gave an ultimatum to Iranian Government weather dismiss Mr. Shuster or go to war with Russian Empire. Although Shuster couldn't finish his job but he made a great impression to Iranian young politicians. They believed USA was a country full of liberal and honest politicians defending freedom and truth anywhere around the world (which were exactly the same back then) One of them was Mohammad Mosaddegh, who became Iranian PM during critical period of Oil nationalizing in 1951. With his strong belief in Americans' support he entered a comprehensive political and economic war with UK. His strong belief in American morals faded only when Army tanks invaded his house at the end of an American organized coup in 1953. It was cold war time and Eisenhower government was afraid of Socialists to empower under the freedom of speech and liberties had been given by Mosaddegh administrations, and that's when the wall of distrust was built according to Iranian former president Mohammad Khatami. The relationship between Iranian intellectuals and American government never got better and they used any chance to show their anger to American policies during shah's regime. But just one specific class was really thankful of USA. As the result of bringing Shah back in power and helping Mosaddegh falls, Mollas had a moment of relief that danger of seculars and communists -which was clear and present to them during free and liberal atmosphere Mosaddegh administration had provided - had been resolved. But after Iranian 1979 revolution, a new generation of mollas made new strategies. First they had to be more anti American than intellectuals to prove despite their weaker revolutionary background, they were true leaders of revolution but after a while they made this strategy their main agenda, the way they even super passed Iranian left intellectuals and waged war to America in ways they couldn't even imagine. Things that even old timer Anti Imperialist radical left Iranian activists thought unreasonable and damaging for country's benefit. Since then anything each US governments has done to defeat Iran's regime – such as supporting Saddam to invade Iran- made hardliners stronger and gave them logical reasons to strike back USA and instead made the middle class and reformists in a weaker position.

The curious case of John Bolton

I was still a teenager when I voted in my life's first election to choose President Mohammad Khatami. It was a time of hope and joy. In an unbelievable victory middle class could get the support of poor class and defeated conservatives with a clear and meaningful majority. We were so happy when European embassies were opening one after another and so hopeful with great amount of foreign investments came to our "still" post war economy. This was good until 9/11. I don't want to talk about history of Al-Qaida and Jihadists in Afghanistan; the role Reagan administration had to organize them and the money of Saudis, UAE and intelligence support of Pakistan to extend them. But during the time of Taliban's terror and suppression, Iran was the one of the few countries of region to stand against them. Even USA recognized them as official government of Afghanistan. Maybe that's why when USA and allies wanted to invade Afghanistan the only army with a plan was Iranian army. In a BBC documentary named "Iran and the West", one of then American authorities described how they were confused until an Iranian General appears in front of the door and gave them a file saying "this is your plan." And according to that authority that was really became the plan to capture Kabul. We were very hopeful back then. Iranian diplomats were negotiating Europeans about Iranian nuclear program and everything was going forward well. We thought that would be a new chapter while Iran officially helped President Bush in his crusade war of terror! But he made a speech and called Iran a part of "Axis of Evil" in front of cameras and imposed new sanctions on Iran. It was the last moment of hope. Hardliners found the opportunity they were seeking for 8 years. They said reforming time is finished, we can never trust Westerners. Iran didn't continue negotiations, began enrichment process and worst of all, they put reformists and media under pressure and attacked Iran's young civil society by any means. After two decades second wave of young elite migration happened and took hope abroad with them. With the great depression and passivity of middle class, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became the next president of Iran with a fragile majority in a semi compromised election.
It was years after we learned the idea of axis of evil belonged to MR JOHN BOLTON. The guy who still defend American invasion to Iraq!!
Now the same thing happened. After a long battle with conservatives, we could persuade hopless middle class to participate in election and elect a moderate politician, Mr Ruhani. An experienced diplomat and lawyer, who finally could make a deal with Obama administration.

But… Yesterday despite Iran's full commitment to the deal, confirmed by all international authorities, President Trump signed an executive order to end the deal and put Iran under new sanctions I could see the victorious face of his highness John Bolton, the great Dr. Strangelove who loves bombs, standing near President Trump and I couldn't stop laughing when President Trump talked to people of Iran about how his decision would benefit us and make our life easier.

You are wrong Mr. Trump

You are manipulated by people who use your ego to spread hatred and wage war. I will tell you what happens after your decision: Iranian middle class become weaker, hardliners will be suppressed, like Ahmadinejad period, and they will make more money using chances provided for them by your sanctions (like they did before) and life become harder for Iranian elite and middle class and none of them would raise a finger against regime. But I can assure you if any group decides to change regime would be poor people crushing under economic difficult situation and believe me, revolution of poor people would be chaos. I know people like you and your NSA love chaos, but you must know chaos don't benefit anyone but hardliners and warlords of Middle East. Look at Iraq and Syria if you don't believe me and ask yourself why Mr. Bolton and you don't take a lesson from past experiences.

What's John Bolton's alternative for Iran Regime

He is really fond of a group called People's Mujahedin of Iran. For whom may not know "Mujahed" means "Jihadist", someone who fights and dies for Allah. This militia organization is the first Iranian group which assassinated American citizens during the Shah's regime and now Mr. Bolton makes alliance with them! It's a pity for conservative school of politics which replaced its leaders from Ronald Reagan and Henry Kissinger to Donald Trump and John Bolton, but it's the truth, we are witnessing a glorious historical moment; transforming the favor of free market to favor of personal egos! When fundamentals changes to experimental adventure, wisdom to childish plays!


Mujahedin have no place in Iranians fate; no one wants them.
And Trump... he is better to focus on the election in 6 months and the possibility of an impeachment if the republicans lose the majority.

He is focused on election Bro... believe me he is so focused. Mujahedin have no place in Iran but they are so close to neo-cons because both group have a lot of apocalyptic believes and interests!

I'd like to mind my own business and regret why Jannati and Alam-ol-Hoda are against their own ppl, but it feels like a kick in my n#t+$ that there are people like JBolton in the other side of the world with such retard mind and ideology who may impact my slumdog!

well... seems that sh!+ happens... or happened!

let's hope their Armageddon happens soon so we can get rid of them.

This post is f#@&ing amazing... i can't say more. This is amazing

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