Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are both White and from Wealth.

in #politics8 years ago

Please stop saying Trump won because of a "Whitelash" against Obama. Trump won because of a backlash against Obama Clinton and the DNC. Trump got more black votes and Latino votes than he was expected to and we hear nothing about that. Obama won twice and there was no shortage of white people whom disliked him in 2012. They simply disliked Mormon Jesus Mitt Rommney even more. Similar to the way I disagree with Trumps stances on Abortion and stop and frisk but I do agree with a host of his plans for the economy such as withdrawing from the TPP and auditing the FED. I disagree with everything about Clinton because she is a liar and a criminal at best. The pundits continue to throw race at us to mask the report card America just gave these neo-liberal globalists. This reflects on them. Had Obama been the president I hoped he would when I voted for him. We might have another Democrat in the white house right now. It for certain would not be Hillary Clinton though. She was a lemon candidate from the start , some of us just realized it quicker.


Pretty sure that Trump won and Hillary lost more because of how unqualified corrupt, satanic, crazy, possibly dying, and evil Hillary was than because of anything that has to with Trump in the slightest-- or race, for that matter. People didn't want Trump, but they sure as hell didn't want Hillary, either.

Yeah, definitely. Not at all like she won the popular vote.

Look, it was a close race... and frankly turnout for both sides was lower than the last two elections at least.

Your list of reasons is ridiculous though. It's purely and 100% the propaganda against her. And unqualified? Of the many bad things said about her during the election that was not one of them.

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she is a liar and a criminal at best.

Because Trump is 100% honest and not at all about to stand trial for racketeering.

Mentioning Trumps shortcomings does not erase Clinton's.

Mentioning Trumps shortcomings does not erase Clinton's.

Never said it did. But why are the same behaviors Trump exhibits held up as reasons to vilify Hillary?

Tough choice for Americans, that's for sure....

But all that talk about 'whitelash' just shows how little the professional talkers understand the phenomenon. It's weird. They've gotten so used to their own categories, they have real difficulty assimilating what Trump supporters explicitly say.

I can, tho' I have to admit I disliked a lot of the message & required some time to get used to it. Essentially, they want:

  • A crackdown on illegal immigration primarily for jobs reasons, although safety reasons are important.
  • Better trade deals from their angle, instead of trade deals seemingly structured to benefit big corporations and very high-priced specialists.
  • Reversal of the Rust Belt decay, and the return of manufacturing jobs plus other jobs (mining, oil-&-gas) that don't require a very expensive education or don't involve service work.
  • Restoration of the Rule of Law by reining in Executive-branch overreach.

There are more, but these are the ones that stuck in my mind. A lot of the protest part of it was fueled by SLW-type denigration of his supporters as people, which has gone on for a long time before Trump arrived on the scene.

There's a real cosmic humor about Trump's win. The poohbahs-that-be who continually complain about non-affluent Republican not voting "their real interests" have gotten what they wished for - only Joe 'Merica's "real interests" have been expressed by Donald J. Trump!

what Trump supporters explicitly say.

You're whitewashing what Trump supporters actually say. Look, there were a lot of people supporting Trump and if we're going to be honest there were probably a lot of different reasons. I'm sure the reasons you listed are there, hopefully for the majority... but there absolutely were white supremacists supporting Trump.

My city woke up to this, for instance:

Are you sure that graffiti wasn't a false flag ("satire")?

Not quite - the pic you posted was not reported as a hate crime. The data set comprises reported hate crimes. Common sense says that an unreported incident would more likely be a hoax, because it would be spotted as a hoax (or as fishy) before it's deemed a hate crime.

One of the reasons why prosecutors have >90% conviction rates is that they refuse to prosecute iffy charges.

Also, this:

Timing matters...

Roughly 30 per page and 6 pages, a quick scan shows dates of 2010 so at least 6 years. That gives 180 falsely reported hate crimes over at least 6 years.

According to the FBI there were 5,479 hate crimes in 2015 alone. https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/latest-hate-crime-statistics-available

So even if I do the math incorrectly in your favor, by comparing 10 years of hoaxes to just 2015, that's a roughly 2% chance that this was a hoax.

I bet a Clinton supporter wrote that just to get the pic. Plus , there are racists who voted Clinton and racists who voted Trump.

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