
There are a number of referenced studied that are mentioned on webMD. These include:
1. 'Pot addiction may be real, study suggests"
2. "Heavy Pot use can cause physical dependence"
3. There are at least a half dozen archived articles on this site regarding
4 "Marijuana Addiction"

I ask for a study that can 'prove' weed is a gateway drug.There are no addictive products just addicted behaviour. Some women are addict to shopping...Im glad when I home after buying one pair of socks. All those studies you named, I saw the opposite. btw In the Netherlands last month we decriminalized it even more.. 2017 is da year of cannabis.. Should we make steemit ilegal? because last 2 months I been here on a daily basis. Peace n Bless

There are at least a half dozen articles on this subject and on marijuana addiction on the Web MD site.
Also, "Marijuana has proven to be a gateway drug" at
See also, "Yale Study: Marijuana may really be gateway drug" this is carried in the Connecticut Post newspaper.

Web MD is not a reputable site... It is a site built for the Pharma paradigm and I have read extensively your replies and you speak from a point of ignorance, citing ignorance, spreading ignorance. I thought I would be pleasantly surprised with good factual references but you cite AMA studies. Bye dude.

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