A Few Lines On What Is Really Going On In America Today. By Gregory Mannarino

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


The distraction is simple, (please, don't believe me on ANY of what you are about to read, look it up for yourselves).

Democratic run cities have the highest black on black murders, the highest crime overall, and the lowest economic prosperity.

The Democratic leadership has made it their business to keep minorities down for decades..

So what is all the recent Democratic uproar really about?

The Democratic leadership is afraid that perhaps under Republican leadership, minorities might now really have a chance to succeed...

Gregory Mannarino


Everything is smoke and mirrors. Create any narrative to take attention away from the real issues. They have the money and the platform to spread their propaganda and venom to create divisiveness and strife. I fear only when it's too late will the people wake up, but unfortunately history has shown that is always the case.

It's all a fraud. America is dying because its government has gotten so large, there is no longer an incentive for it to evolve. The left-right paradigm is destroying nations the world over.

Hi Greg,
First and foremost....if you were born in this country....you are an American. If you became a legal citizen.....you are an American. If your skin color is black, brown, white, yellow, or any other color, and you were born here or became a U.S. citizen....you are an American.
We are not Republicans or Democrats or Independents.
We are not far left or far right or conservatives.
We are not any party that the powers that be would have us divided into.
No We Are Not!!
First and Foremost....We are Americans!!

I believe that to be 100% true.

The main problem with the alt left is the fact that they refuse to be civil about any issue. Seems to be their way or the highway.

I think it was said best in the movie shooter...... "There are no democrats there are no republicans, there's only the haves and the have nots.........." Don't fall for all the bullshit in between cause it's there to divide and conquer. Seems they're pulling it off quite well.........

Politics is the biggest game there is in our world and since politics pretty much dictate our way of life, life has become a game. Being aware and making your own choices (not the choices you're provided with), is the best thing you can do for yourself.

I guess it's totally depends on the person who is leading the country.

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