Socialism is not alone
So what is it all of these dangerous tyrannical governments have in common. They all require a large expensive centralized federal government, they remove our natural rights, and they seek to control the population. Dr. Paul (2011) says that the leviathan that is the federal government is more dangerous than all of the nuclear warheads in the world. He writes, “We are policed everywhere we go: work, shopping, home, and church. Nothing is private anymore: not property, not family, not even our house of worship.” He further comments that we are all encouraged to spy on each other. He also gives as an example of how government harasses us with the fact that if you stand up to them they put you on a list (p.xii-xiii), or in the case of Adam Kokesh, the US government seeks to undermine you or throw you in jail with trumped up charges. In his book Freedom, Adam Kokesh gives a point by point indictment of the criminal activities of all governments. (Kokesh) This expensive government and the falling globalized dollar Ron Paul, argues is financially imprisoning us in our low economic condition (p.xiv).
- As an aside when I initially posted this video (from YouTube) on Facebook, I began being Shadowbanned.-
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