Socialism is Not Alone

in #freedom7 years ago

Like so many Libertarians, Socialism in my belief is the worst form of tyranny we are facing today but it definitely is not alone. “In South Africa, blacks under apartheid enjoyed a higher standard of living than did the people of Russia at the same time under the boot of the Soviet Union” (Williamson 2011, p.106). Two close runners-up in our political spectrum might to most people seem to be the opposite of socialism because they tend to be seen to be on the conservative side of politics as opposed to the liberal side with socialism. These are pure Democracy and what is called the Neo-Conservative movement.


Arguing against both pure democracy and forced equality James Madison (Federalist Papers 1787) said,

Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security of the rights of property; and have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions. (Federalist, No.10)


Andrew Napolitano (2011) cites an article in the Los Angeles Times which says that democracy is not freedom and quotes Jefferson when he said, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.” The article goes on to say that freedom comes from the recognition of certain natural rights that cannot be taken away by anyone, even governments. Democracy cannot take a natural right away even if 99% of the people vote for it (p.6). The problem with pure democracy is that the rights of the minority are not protected. Under this kind of system we never would have outlawed slavery or given women the right to vote.


Ron Paul (2011) discusses how the “Neo-Cons” or Neo-Conservative Movement, which is a political philosophy, that bases itself on the need of the United States to rule the world therefore necessitating the creation of empire, is just as dangerous to our freedom as the socialists. He believes the Neo-Cons are using the tool of religion to impose control here, because like the socialists they seek to force their agenda and beliefs on everyone (pp.209-210).

Paul points to the ideas that permeate the Neo-Conservative philosophy. One, that elite have responsibility to the masses. Two, those in charge have a right and obligation over those that they rule. Three, they use a cynical religious message that stops independent thought. Four, the Neo-Conservatives believe that the use of fear through threat from outside influences unite the people. Five, if there is no threat, create one so that it makes people obedient to the state and individualism is suppressed. Six, the Neo-Conservatives will deny these principles in order that the lie will not be revealed. And finally, Seven, they therefore claim super patriotism and attack anyone opposed to them as unpatriotic, not supporting the troops, or non-humanitarian (p.214).


The Neo-Conservatives are working just like the socialists to rule over the American people. They, in my opinion, are just as dangerous. They argue for torture of people, forced religion, and endless war with no regard to human rights.

So what is it all of these dangerous tyrannical governments have in common. They all require a large expensive centralized federal government, they remove our natural rights, and they seek to control the population. Dr. Paul (2011) says that the leviathan that is the federal government is more dangerous than all of the nuclear warheads in the world. He writes, “We are policed everywhere we go: work, shopping, home, and church. Nothing is private anymore: not property, not family, not even our house of worship.” He further comments that we are all encouraged to spy on each other. He also gives as an example of how government harasses us with the fact that if you stand up to them they put you on a list (p.xii-xiii), or in the case of Adam Kokesh, the US government seeks to undermine you or throw you in jail with trumped up charges. In his book Freedom, Adam Kokesh gives a point by point indictment of the criminal activities of all governments. (Kokesh) This expensive government and the falling globalized dollar Ron Paul, argues is financially imprisoning us in our low economic condition (p.xiv).


As we are looking at these central planners a quote that Andrew Napolitano (2011) uses in his book from Ayn Rand is a good measure of the trouble we are in.

“It only stands to reason that where there’s sacrifice, there’s someone collecting that sacrificial offering. Where there’s service, there’s someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master” (p.5).

As we look at the destructive force that is government, it is tempting to focus on Socialism. We must fight for our individual rights and against the enemies of freedom no matter what they title themselves.


Kokesh, A. Freedom,

Napolitano, A. P. (2011). It is Dangerous to be Right When Government is Wrong: the Case for
Personal Freedom, Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

Paul, R. (2011). Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues that Affect our Freedom, New York, NY:
Grand Central.

Williamson, K. D. (2011). The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism,Washington, DC:


I see the neoCons as a '90s construction by AIPAC. ...and PNAC. A "false opposition" to the Klintons' regime.
What is so perfect about Adam Kokesh's "Split 50!" plan? See this:
4 great prospects of a kokesh presidency - jpg.JPG

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