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RE: Politically Correct : Why We Stand

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

your police and ours are terrorists by definition mate,

noun 1.
a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

No i do not fund terrorists by way of voluntary taxation, we dont have to over here, pretty sure it is also voluntary over there too, but not as simple to swerve as it is here.
I can buy a gun to protect myself but that would be classed as illegal, however there are no legislations obstructing me from creating my own, but we can still have crossbows. Which is good, because if our uniform terrorists were armed, we would be just as enslaved as you guys. Like i say come to visit experiance telling a copper to fuck off for yourself, i guarantee you will never wish to go home. I have sold cars to american guys who have migrated here to escape your false freedom that is actually slavery, they wont go back to the states unless they are extradited ;)


Again, you apparently have some messed up ideas as to how the police act over here.

Crossbows. Good grief. Yeah... freedom from the 1600s!

So are you arguing with the definition of the word terrorist? just so we are clear?
We are civilians, they are a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Crossbows are very effective against unarmed terrorists mate, you seem to forget our uniform vermin are not armed like yours. If i was born in the states i would have been shot decades ago, because i will not respect a terrorist masquerading as some kind of authority figure, when the reality is they are simply a bully with a gang and guns.

Yours are not unarmed all of the time. Good luck with that single shot.

Why? Why would you have been shot? Do you only do unlawful things? You purposely harm others? I'm trying to figure out why the police would even care about you. You seriously have a misunderstanding on what happens over here. When I was visiting the UK or Australia, I had no urge to tell the police to fuck off for no reason. The police didn't come around and harass me. What are you doing that they would even care?

I live in the middle of nowhere mate, our police are just like yours, basically bored and looking for crime where there is none, they believe they have the right to stop me and search me, thats is where the problem starts, i do not respect the police at all in any way shape or form nor will i ever, i do not have to talk to them, i do not even have to acknowledge their existence and i will not do so. This they take as meaning i have something to hide, maybe i do, maybe i dont, but my life is nobodies business but my own, and anybody trying to victimize me like the police do can go and play with themselves, i would sooner get shot than actually interact with a uniform terrorist but at least i care about the world im leaving behind, not a chance will i sit back and allow my offspring to become slaves by legislation and the force applied by the uniform terrorists. Everything gets harder the longer it is left, this has been left for too long as it is :/

Well, our police can't search you without cause or a warrant. They can't just walk up to you and search your bag or body. They can't pull you over without cause or they'll get sued and lose their job.

Good luck proving that they didnt have reasonable grounds, they tell lies and make shit up to cover their arses, and they have a court system that always back them, jebus that brainwashing seriously runs deep over there dont it. How do you stop your filth from searching you when all they have to do is pull their gun out knowing they are protected??? you cant :(

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