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RE: 42 Reasons Why Scott Adams is Genius for Endorsing Hillary Clinton

in #politics8 years ago

Interesting stuff! Also checkout the Decline of the West podcast. It talks about the modern world from the analysis of Joseph Campbell's analysis of myths and archetypes. Trump is much like Caesar with his personal army and the worship of personalities and the loss of the metaphysical visions led to the fall of Rome. Both Trump and Clinton are symptoms of the inevitable decline of the government and possible rise of anarchy or factions of warlords. Resistance is futile, so might as well as enjoy the ride.


Love this!...I agree with you about 99% of the time!...It's that 1% that scares me! @limitless friends call me 'ellipses'...because I use them a train of thought is hard to put into paragraphs...Being a Classical Anarchist you would think I would be loving this...portraits of the fall...but I would rather follow Sanders & take the Revolution from within...We've planked the Democratic Party so it's just a matter of time...By the way Trump is more like Caligula!

Both Sanders and Trump see the problems but neither have great solutions, while Clinton denies the problems completely. The best solutions will inevitably come from the private sector. What the government does will make little difference, as it will just destroy itself. As see fear of Trump as a denial of the problems inside of people's minds. It cripples and blinds them from focusing on how to solve the problems. Trump is bad in a crude way, but not sinisterly plotting something evil, unlike Clinton. That makes damage control easier. Ideally there are thousands of people who could do a better job, but realistically we are down to pick between Trump and Clinton. So I bet on Trump winning, but 3rd parties gaining as much support as possible., especially locally. I believe in diversification of my views rather than going down one tunnel too far. I'm a non-white immigrant, I've handled plenty of assholes calling me mean names. That's not the biggest threat to the world at this moment. There will always be asshole, but it only takes one black swan event to push the world into chaos, and we are on the verge of several from multiple perspectives.

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