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RE: A Relatively Brief Recollection of Events and Experiences Responsible for Shaping My Current Political Affiliation

in #politics7 years ago

I don;t know where you got the idea that I might be indoctrinated or zombified, probably from you delusional mind.

You might be misunderstanding the definition of moral that I'm using. This is not surprising given the number of words with which you've demonstrated your lack of awareness.

I am no troll, unlike you who has admitted being one.

I wouldn't brag about getting drunk, stoned, and playing video games, even if it paid my bills. This is not making the world a better place for future generations, but you don't seem to care, so there seems to be no point to you. If you were my father, I would be ashamed. Thank all that is that is not the case.


I get the idea that you are an indoctrinated zombie troll from the content of your posts. I am honestly wondering if I am talking to a bot or an agent on a Russian troll farm. Are you one of these guys?

Evidence please.

What, do you think Wired is fake news or something?

Verify, then trust.

A google search will show you dozens of other media sources reporting on it. I have verified, in every way that I can, that Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda on social media. It is fun to entertain the possibility that you may be one of them.

So, false accusations are fun?

Not sure if the accusation is false, but yes, it is fun to imagine that you are some jerk getting paid by the Kremlin.
Was it fun for you to accuse me of being a communist?

It might be fun for you, but still wrong.

Communism is socialist in all ways that concern individual rights.

I am most definitely bragging about paying my bills by getting stoned and playing video games. I am trying to drink less, honestly. I am certainly not ashamed of it. This lifestyle is far preferable to what I see most of my friends and family doing.

Smearing crap on the wall is only marginally better than eating it. False dilemmas do not a logical argument make.

So, you admit to being a troll, bragging, and making your living as a parasite adding nothing to a world that your future is going to have to live in. Your grandchildren will be so proud.

I wouldn't really describe my actions as parasitic. I contribute to a virtual economy. I am an important part of the game to a lot of people, including the developers.
If God gives me grandchildren, I am certain they will be well taken care of. My kids are aged five and one, so that would be decades away. We have investments maturing in 2020 that will likely be worth millions. We worked hard and played smart. We started with nothing and fought like hell to build a life. If they are proud or not is up to them, but we are more certain than most that they will be provided for, and I can certainly be proud of that.

You do not have very far to go to reach the truth. Please, for all our sakes, learn about knowing. How to know what the truth is, and how to find the inconsistencies which are errors or lies.

I'd rather gain an ally than keep trolling me.

"Learn about knowing"?!
What kind of ambiguous nothing talk is that?
Everyone has their own version of what they believe to be true. Personally, I find more profound truths come from those who speak from the heart. You can believe what you want, but arrogance and ignorance go hand-in-hand. I believe compassion and humility are the best indicators of a person who speaks wisdom and truth. You have neither of those attributes.

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