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RE: A Relatively Brief Recollection of Events and Experiences Responsible for Shaping My Current Political Affiliation

in #politics7 years ago

I get the idea that you are an indoctrinated zombie troll from the content of your posts. I am honestly wondering if I am talking to a bot or an agent on a Russian troll farm. Are you one of these guys?


Evidence please.

What, do you think Wired is fake news or something?

Verify, then trust.

A google search will show you dozens of other media sources reporting on it. I have verified, in every way that I can, that Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda on social media. It is fun to entertain the possibility that you may be one of them.

So, false accusations are fun?

Not sure if the accusation is false, but yes, it is fun to imagine that you are some jerk getting paid by the Kremlin.
Was it fun for you to accuse me of being a communist?

It might be fun for you, but still wrong.

Communism is socialist in all ways that concern individual rights.

Individuals have rights to organize into groups. If you don't like the group, you don't have to associate with them. If you don't want to pay taxes, or use public utilities, there are plenty of backwoods places in tax-free states. Go be amish or whatever, just let the rest of us build a competitive civilization.
I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be fighting a force of the universe as unstoppable as progress. I actually feel kind of sorry for you.

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