Fuck Off Genocidal Israel, and Fuck Off UN, we need a replacement International Community.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

It's well past time for the world's nations to form a new unbiased group to tackle problem and genocidal nations.
The UN has failed to implement the Partition Plan for 70 years and now sits on the couch with the Genocidal Israelis to cheer in the planes with deadly bombs, and sleeps in their office blocks while Palestinians have their genitals targeted and blasted off by Genocidal Israeli Terrorists.
The new International Community grouping should instantly bomb all genocide control centers in Genocidal Israel and bring this rogue Genocidal Zionism Cult led nation into line FAST, weed the indoctrinated from the instigators and sentence the instigators with war crimes. Genocidal Israel will have to fulfill the partition plan and USrael will have to give up its veto and be an equal.

#1/ Israel IS NOT DEFENDING, & it can never defend, as it is and was the ATTACKER.
The conflict isn't complicated, the west is simply indoctrinated. Everyone knows something's wrong with the Israel/Palestine issue (people's gut instinct is typically right), but we're never shown what's wrong.
Most people are told that in 1947/48 Israel was formed and then the Arabs attacked.
Leading up to and including Genocidal Israel's formation, including the Partition Plan, WAS AN ATTACK on the existing majority population, the Arabs. They were assigned less than half and there were other issues, such as Israel would be in control of ~47% of Arabs.
Britain ended its rule, Jews declared Israel, leaving the Arabs without anyone to protect them and negotiations in Palestine, they were alone, so they were forced to DEFEND from the Genocidal Israel/Zionism Cult ATTACK.

Imagine if 2 Genocidal Israelis entered your Family of 4 home and declared 3 of the 4 rooms theirs, and you responded to this........
Would your response to this be considered an attack? or would you consider the Genocidal Israelis actions an attack and your actions a defensive move, noting that some attacks are defensive attacks.

Voice Of Israel (aka BBC) article:
In the deadliest day of violence in Gaza since the 2014 war, Palestinian officials say Israeli troops have killed 55 people and wounded 2,700.


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