Trump Blocks, Bars and Bans Syrian and Other Refugees from Entering the US

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

*UPDATE* Judge blocks Trump government from deporting visa-holders detained at U.S. airports

Donald Trump has been very active in his first week as president. He has already signed about a dozen executive orders, which has shaken up many political pundits, the mainstream media and relations with neighboring countries such as Mexico and Canada.


One of the most controversial to the media is a ban on refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries, including war-torn Syria. This Saturday morning, six people (five from Iraq, one from Yemen) were barred from accessing their flight headed to towards New York.

This suspends a program that accepted almost 85,000 people last year, who were displaced by war, political oppression, hunger and religious prejudice. 12,000 of those people came from Syria which the US has actively engaged in support of terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS in an attempt to overthrow an elected leader that they don't like.

The executive order has suspended the refugee program for four months. There is a 90 day ban on anyone traveling from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Sudan or Somalia. Syrian refugees will be denied entry until such a time that it can be determined they do not infringe upon the "national interests" of the United States.


Trump says this is a temporary measure to keep out radical Islamic terrorists while the administration develops better screening processes. During the freeze, there may be exceptions on a case-by-case basis, and they will also continue to process requests for religious persecution, so long as the person's religion is a minority religion in the country they are seeking to leave. Green-card holders are also a part of the freeze on admittance to the United States.

Even people with dual citizenship, such as a Canadian and Iranian citizen, were prevented from boarding planes in Canada that were headed to the United States. Mana Yegani, a lawyer working with the American Immigration Lawyers Association, has been working through Friday night and into Saturday dealing with calls from travelers, students and workers being denied access and being sent back where they came from.

"These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here."

These people didn't know an executive order was coming, the might've had plans days, weeks or months in advance. All it took was Trump signing a piece of paper at 6 PM on Friday evening for everything to come to a halt.

Louis Bélanger, a spokesman for the Canadian Minister of International Development Marie-Claude Bibeau, said:

"Immigration continues to play a key role in contributing to Canada's well-being, to our economic prosperity, and to our success as a nation. We are confident with our programs and will continue to ensure that our immigration system balances compassion, efficiency and economic opportunity for all, while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians."

This is just week one of Trumps presidency. There are sure to be more controversial changes that he has planned as he works to put "America First".


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We need to stop the wars so there is no refugees, help them rebuild their infrastructure and economy after we fix's been neglected because all our money has gone into wars bombing the hell out of the refugees who hate us for good reason. Trump is going to let Christian refugees in though...the Muslims have been slaughtering them and we've been bombing them...

Truly worrying times we are living in.

Thanks for sharing this @krnel


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

~ Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

Speak out beyond Social Media . Contact your state and local official(s) and say NO to this President's immigration policy.

Actually, the miscalled democratic regimes electing new false nationalist, populist and racist millionaires and entrepreneurs, that can only exist in a facade of elections that "legally" steal the will of 99% of the people and replaced by the will of the 1% creating increasing inequality and poverty.
Plus Torture will be kept institutionalized too:)

so there is no time limit if allowed ...
what about the students, the children of the parents of the victims and their fierce fighting displaced by circumstances memaksa.bukan kemaun but emergency. syria and Rohingya in mianmar

I don't know about this one.. Please help me out here. What do you think?

"radical Islamic terrorists"

This really sounds like some war promoting propaganda to me.. Maybe I have a developed an allergy to executive orders after this Obama administration. (btw executive orders are NOT laws). Should they just let these people (just like us) though the borders anyways! :) haha

Hehe. Well there are radical Islamic terrorists, it's just that the US has been funding and training them for decades... LOL. And yeah, executive order, write something on a paper and boom something happens. That's magic right there. Real magic in real life.

Canada sells, 5-7.5 billion dollars of military equipment per year, every year, and 75% of that goes to the United States, that's magic.

Gotta keep the murdering machine going. Humans are the top death-dealers on the planet ;)

I don't even know what to say about this one.

The most ironic part of this is that the millions of Syrian refugee men, women and children that are in desperate need of asylum are running away from the very evil he claims to be protecting the country from. It beggars belief.

I think the fighting needs to stop as a whole planet, as a species. This may be bold and far before its time in thinking, but im for open boarders all across the globe, let people go where they want, chips fall as they may, and we should worry about protecting and securing each providence, there are criminals everywhere of all races and creeds. A common understanding of right and wrong needs to be made with equal consequences. But to me above all people shouldnt be caged to a part of the planet they were born on, this earth belongs to us all. Remember its men who drew these lines. Freedom people!!! Through freedom we will find peace

the Philippines also has a very large Muslim population, why were they not chosen? lmfao was he just not planning to be consistent with his "logic" or?

You must mean Indonesia, not the Philippines. 87% of the population of Indonesia is Muslim.

"Muslim-majority countries"

"The Muslim population of the Philippines has been reported as about 5% of the total population as of a census in 2000."

Not a majority.

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