Freemasonry News: Two Secret Lodges at the Heart of British Politics

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

More insight into British Freemasonry this week, as we learn from Ian Cobain’s post in The Guardian today that 2 lodges operate secretly within Westminster. To clarify, Westminster is a borough within central London but in this case refers to British Parliament, the supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom, it’s Crown dependencies and overseas territories.


Set up for MP's and political journalists, New Welcome Lodge (for peers and MP’s) and Gallery Lodge (for journalists) are currently active within Parliament. As expected, both members lists are a well guarded secret so we can not know how they interact with each other in public life and what political advantages prominent politicians may hold. Gallery Lodge has been kept so secret, that many lobby journalists apparently had no previous knowledge of it's existence.

David Staples, the chief executive of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), the governing body for Freemasons in England and Wales, said there was no contradiction between the practice of journalism and membership of Freemasonry.

David Staples is a staunch defender of Freemason secrecy rights, citing discrimination as a reason that many members choose to remain unknown.

MP’s, peers and journalists are already known to belong to other British lodges, but whilst current legislation allows them to hold membership covertly, it is difficult to prove any conspiratorial suspicions. In any case, news of these two lodges does little to quash the idea that a conflict of interest exists between the brotherhood and politics.

My previous writings on the subject of Freemasonary:

Freemasons and the British Police Part 1: The Hillsborough Tragedy

Is Discrimination a Reason to Protect Freemason Identity

Freemasons and the British Police Part 2: Lord Greville Janner and the Westminster Paedophile Allegations

Further Freemason reading from The Guardian: Integrity or influence? Inside the world of modern Freemasons
An inside look at Parliament: State Opening of Parliament


Thanks for this post - very interesting. Followed and Upvoted.

Thank you Oswald

Nice work, lady! Your posts are so clean, orderly and well-written. 👏

Thank you Shoni dear. Your feedback is appreciated, such positive words even more so ☺️

Freemasonry is Judaism for the goyim! Judaism is satanism. Read my blog I wrote about police departments with satanic and pedophile symbols on their badges. The Freemason police are both!!!

Thanks for the heads up, I will read your blog and follow! My previous 2 posts on the subject cover British Police and cover ups. Interesting that the controversy over secrecy of membership is now in the press.

Interesting read Katie. An extra lodge for journalists... no conflict of interest...oh weh.

Crazy eh?! And so secret that many lobby journalists are unaware. Easy to join the dots, and just as easy for those groups to deny and carry on

I think it is very interesting to note that the lodge membership centers around these professions. It makes a lot of sense why I saw an acquaintance travel to another city (we live in the US) to attend a lodge and take a photo with a celebrity while at the lodge. In this case, it showed a link between law enforecement and a Hollywood personality. All of that is to be expected, of course, but your comment about the organization unlocked something which I had not previously understood about the lodge itself. Thanks much for sharing this insighftul piece. I am huge fan and supporter of LTV. I think maybe I have seen you before in Nathan's discord chat. Are you KatieS?

Hi Sunny, thanks for reading and leaving a comment. Yes I am on Discord. The Hollywood aspect, sports people, celebrity should certainly be considered. You may find my previous posts on Freemasons interesting too. Maybe I should provide the links in my newer posts :)

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