New Year, New Elections

in #politics7 years ago

17 months after our previous elections, a new government of Sint Martin will be chosen of February 26. This will be our 7th government since becoming independent in 2010. Good statistics, right??


Yesterday was the presentation of the parties, with all old and new candidates. Amongst the candidates, our freshly resigned ex Prime Minister William Marlin. Re-electable again. And people wonder why we have elections almost every year. Well, there is exactly the problem. The same names keep circulating over and over. Government has a scandal, cabinet falls, and the same people get elected again next year. Welcome to Sint Martin politics.

Last elections was my first chance to vote. If I have a chance to vote, I will always go. Even if I dont agree on the topic, or the reasons, I will always go and vote. Lots of people died in our history fighting for the right of freedom of choice. I will never abandon that right, I will use it.
So, previous elections was my first chance to put in my voice. I searched online for background information on what all the parties are standing for. What their to-do lists are. I couldnt find it.
I asked around with the same question. 'What does this-and-this party stand for. What is the difference between this party and that party. What are their fundamentels'

I did not get an answer. Because here, you vote for a person. And that person just joined a party, because they want to surround themselves with people they wont fight with. They dont form a party because they have the same ideas about how they want to run the country. They dont have a party program, you can not find their ideas on want they want to acchieve in their term.

In our previous cabinets, members of parliament even jumped ship after being elected. So they changed party, when they were already in goverment. Its clear they dont care about their party, its just their own benefits they want to acchieve.

After hurricane Irma, our country still is in shock and in financial debt, since our main source of income Tourism is not up to speed as yet. And lots of government money will be spent on these elections again. Money that could help peoples roofs to get fixed, money that could help to fix roads and other infrastructure. Money that we should use wisely.

For sure I will do a lot of asking around again, before I make my choice on who I will vote for. I just hope the politicians themselves do the same, that they will think in the bigger picture, and not only about their own pockets. But as history has proven, I dont have my hopes up to high. People will not choose for the person who they think will lead the country the best, they will choose the person who bribes them with a new roof. Which to be honest, I can also understand if you still dont have a roof or electricity. I dont approve, but I can still understand.

Hopefully wise decisions will be taken. Again, to be very, very continued


This doesn't sound like a freedom of choice. Sorry! In democracy, you vote for ideas. A revolution needs a leader, who will set the fundamentals of the political system. Not babies, who are not even loyal to their political party.

If you had a choice of nine exactly-same red stripes, would you call it freedom of choice? I would call it deceit.

You need to reform your country, if I understood the sittuation you are in.

100% agree with you. Thats my point exactly. All these elections are a farce. But with our 70.000 citizens (from half of which are illegal, because we have about 43000 registered citizens) its difficult to get A. Good candidates. B. Candidates who dont have family business ties. C. citizens who dare to speak up..


I am sorry for your sittuation. I've written recently about our upcoming presidential election in the Czech Republic

The man in charge of our country is good, but he is incredibly rude. Something similar could be told about Trump and such. I believe there is only a handful of countries with no such troubles.

When it comes to our parliament, election in advance in less than year after the first one is also imminent in my country, because the leader of the winning country is likely to be a criminal and nobody wants to work with him. So I know how it feels :)

Nice article as well bro! Yeah..politics man, an endless source of information, laughter and frustration

I would almost say, "welcome in the world of politicians", here in the netherlands we vote for idea's, as you know very well. But do we ever get the idea's that we vote for? No, last elections there were many many votes for PVV, but none of the other party's would like to cooperate with PVV. I don't say that they are so great, but what we do have now isn't great either. I hope for your country that there will come a change!

True, Dutch politics in the end is also not perfect. But even if the party doesnt come into coalition, they still have a large voice in opposition. And like Hennis-Plasterk, after her scandal she didnt come up for re-election. Thats how it should be

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