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RE: So here we are again ~ another Black Monday

in #politics7 years ago

@onetree. The 'divide and rule' or 'divide to conquer' is a very old technique which has been used for hundreds of years. Similar situations had been played out in Asian countries, Middle Eastern countries, American states and in South Africa.

In Thailand, a few years ago we had a red and yellow shirts conflict which was extremely divisive and violent. The cabal must be eyeing some kinds of rare minerals there. So, they want empty land with no owners and less resistance. They have to be drastic and divisive in competition with the Chinese's moves into several countries in Africa. Now, the Chinese own about 90% of rare earth in the world. Without rare earth and other minerals, progress in microelectronics and new weapon systems will be impossible.

Looking at the big picture or grand chess board, I am afraid that a world war is unavoidable. They are pushing very hard in all the different theaters of operations around the world. They are currently very afraid of their loosening grip of the control of global financial systems. The petro dollars system is dying! Something very ugly is going to occur soon, in fact, I think they are trying out simultaneous surprise moves in various locations, (judging by the patterns of hints the cabal has given in public).

This is a really big game plan. Things aren't just happening, these have been planned and discussed years in advance of the launching of the operations. The tools to stimulate the game are local politicians who have been bought. These are the experience of my own country during the last twenty years, particularly the last five years. This was why the military had to come to power to stop the big killing; hidden ammunition, guns, RPGs, etc were hidden around the city. The main stream media would not tell the truth and there have been several attempts to turn Bangkok into Libya, so that UN troops could be brought into Thailand. Bought politicians often demanded UN troops to interfere in our domestic troubles.

We are too close to the Chinese side, Thailand is the gateway to surround China and Russia! We still have untapped natural gas and petroleum, plus minerals. Try to look at the big picture and be aware that they are manipulating the conflict and actors in the situation emotionally and psychologically. We had seen two adversary demonstrations in Bangkok, each side amounted to several hundred thousand people ready to lynch at the 'enemies' with hatred. The Freemasons are everywhere, new lodges have been opening up in big cities, they even advertise their new lodges on the web. This means they are very confident of their upper hand.

People are just dispensable pawns or 'useless eaters' in this game plan. Don't become a pawn, don't be manipulated, don't be made to feel guilty! Watch out for the moment the jaguar pounces on its prey!
It is not possible to save the majority of people, they have been programmed or indoctrinated by belief systems or ideology; it is one of the plans of reducing world population.

I pray that all the evil people will be punished by their own bad karma soon.

Take care.


I have such a sense of the desperation of our times. I agree world war is imminent and people in countries across the globe are being manipulated. "Useless eaters" as you say.

My daily life is difficult enough with enormous financial stress at times, but I always think maybe one day I will I will long for these times. Which is to say things can get much worse.

Something "big" is on our doorstep. I think if we reach the middle of December we will be okay a while longer. I am struggling with myself to try and remain positive and project the "right" kind of vibes. It is all we pawns can do at the moment.

I appreciate your friendship and your insight. You often make me feel better with your feedback. Somehow your replies often get me thinking. I don't feel guilty about the race thing, because to ME it is a non-issue. BUT I do experience guilt constantly. I feel especially guilty that my husband and children don't have better lives. I know my husband feels the same too. I need to work on letting the guilt go to make space for higher vibrations.

Thank you for being you.

Try not to feel 'guilty' too often. Live with 'what is' rather than 'what should be'. This will give one more energy to cope with the present.
Around your area, there must be some kind of energy line or lay-lie, because you all seem to pick up all kinds of strong vibes.

Do use music, chanting, candles and scented herbs, bell ringing to cleanse the house of negative energies.

Keep well, healthy and safe. The storm is coming, I pray for some delay. Lots of people haven't even started to prepare mentally!

Thank you @kaminchan, as always 🔆

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