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RE: Simple serious question: What has Donald Trump actually done wrong?

in #politics7 years ago

I have to say I totally feel the same way. I did NOT support Trump. I'm almost embarrassed that I have been defending him on facebook and youtube. I see not much he's done wrong. Nothing criminal anyway, although I disagree with the bombings in Syria... Thanks for validating my opinion. Sometimes I feel like the lone wolf in the forest.


I don't like Trump, but I also don't like people being unjustly attacked. Even if I don't like them. That is the key. This is totally obviously lopsided and a clear attack. It is throwing the dart, missing, throwing the dart again. That is not much different than a bully tossing darts at a person walking down the hall and missing, and trying again.

Find some justification AND THEN attack. Don't attack and then LOOK FOR JUSTIFICATION.

Have we, as Americans, forgetten our sixth ammendment rights?? " The 6th Amendment in the American Constitution guarantees an individual the right to a fair, speedy, and public trial. The 6th Amendment also enables an individual to have legal assistance, regardless of the charge, and the right to confront adverse witnesses and notice of accusations. These rights are given to all men or women under trial for any sort of wrongdoing. They establish the “innocent until proven guilty” mantra that is present in the United States legal system. " it seems to me as though a great majority are forgetting them in haste, as they allow their personal feelings about the president "trump" his 6th ammendment rights. Until someone can show proof of EVIDENCE that is not circumstantial in nature, the President is innocent of any crime... I think we can all say with a certain degree of educated thought, that this is simply a ploy being brought by the Democratic party to hinder the president's administration. The Democrats have moved too far to the left to regain control and currently have no plan as how they regain it. Their lack of immagination, or perhaps their refusal to return a little closer to the center, keeps them from turning things around. It would actually serve them better to stop attacking the President and his administration and debate congress and senate on the issues they disagree upon. It will help them down the road if the presidents policies do not work. they will at least have the ability to say we tried to work with the moment they do not even have that going for them.

They have raped and kicked the 6th amendment to the curb long ago. How many people sit in jail for substantial periods of time before they get a trial?

There have been people in jail for a year+ with no trial.

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