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RE: Politicians Can't Help You...But They Can Surely Hurt You. Choose Liberty

in #politics7 years ago

I think your cartoon just about sums it up, except that in the first picture only half the people would have their hands up. The problem is that our culture has grown so weak. I think sometimes about the Pilgrims who came here on their little dinky boats and forged a new life in the wilderness, or the pioneers who went west with nothing but what they could fit in a wagon. It seems like we have everything, but they had a lot that we don't. They had grit, they had guts, they had courage and self pride and a hard work ethic. So many Americans today act like children. It's like we're turning into the Eloi from The Time Machine. I don't think a lot of us truly want freedom. It's so much easier to shove the responsibility onto someone else.

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