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RE: Politically Correct : Why We Stand

in #politics7 years ago

To put it simply, Americans all have the right to freedom of expression. The players are citizens and certainly fall under the protections of the constitution. They surely can do exactly what they are doing and have no government recourse to fear.

You and others certainly have the same freedoms. In this case, the freedom to turn the channel, or turn it off entirely. That's how this whole experiment called the United States is supposed to work.

Personally, I don't watch the NFL nor do I care what they do. If you or anyone else is a fan of the NFL and this is the direction they are deciding to take then you should consider if that is something you wish to spend your money and time on. If a store doesn't sell your product, do you continue to shop there?

Lastly, on their employment. Granted, some freedoms are certainly suspended while under employ. Anyone who has had a job can certainly testify to this. Given that they are free men, working in a free society, should they be taking dangerous steps to unemployment, that's their prerogative.


I agree.

My biggest issue is that the reason for the protest, focused on the anthem and not the flag is false. It is a lie. And I would say, that the underlining reason is actually anti-American, because it supports ideas that are against America.

Anyone is free to oppose everything about American society and culture, this includes history. They may be hypocrites or a glutton for despair, but it's completely ok in the eyes of the constitution. As long as there are no laws broke, then it's part of expression.

There are plenty of anit-Americans who are living here.

For you to say that you don't like it is all fine and good. To want or hope that something happens that makes them do something different, that they don't want to do, could be construed as anti-American as well.

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