If You Support Government Please Read

in #politics6 years ago

In all Democratic Countries, governments claim to get their rights and power from the citizens of the country.

Is it possible to delegate a right that we never had in the first place? Let's go over a few actions that are not rights.

  • We do not have the right to take the wages of another without permission
  • We do not have the right to force others to comply with our wishes through threat of violence or imprisonment
  • We do not have the right to restrict the travel of another human being
  • We do not have the right to enact legislation into law with the stroke of a pen
  • We do not have the right to arm ourselves and invade another land
  • We do not have the right to steal our neighbors children away from their family
  • We do not have the right to seize the private property of another
  • We do not have the right to enter the domicile of another without permission
  • We do not have the right to police consciousness of other adults by telling them which substances they may, or may not, consume
  • We do not have the right to allow corporations to commit acts which financially benefit us yet destroy the environment our neighbors exist in

What makes us think we can delegate these rights to any organization through voting or otherwise?

If I do not have the right to enter your home without permission how could I delegate this right to another person on my behalf, regardless of their affiliation?

Image: megaev.com

The truth is governments of the world are the main source of ALL of the following;

  • Scarcity
  • Slavery
  • Violence
  • Death
  • Rights Violations
  • Destruction & Pollution

Gave Em An Inch, They Took A Mile

Maybe the authority of government was granted under the guise of good intentions, but let's wake up to the facts and support change accordingly. The duty to manage the infrastructure of a nation has spawned into an aggressive encroachment on the liberties and rights of the citizens within said nations and boundaries have been crossed from which there is no turning back. As a pond may become so polluted as to not be able to sustain life, government is corrupted past the point of benefit to the public.

Take The Power Back

The time has come to take our power back from those who seek to abuse it. Retract our consent, no longer be silent in tacit agreement. If the government gets it's power from the people, commit to making that power 1 less person's worth! Freedom is the responsibility of all. In the event that we have delegated our rights, we remain under obligation to ensure that actions carried out in our names are not in imposition of the rights of others. If we voted for, financially backed, or in any other way supported any government or organization, we are responsible for the actions they carry out. Ignorance is no excuse. Do you support EVERY action that your government takes?

Thanks for reading! I earnestly hope that you are able to take away some valuable information from this post. If you have found this to be of benefit please up-vote and re-steem in support!

Please check out my blog @jayanarchon for many more freedom, health and cannabis related posts!

Peace Everyone

Top Image: mentorworks.ca


Peaceful noncompliance with bad laws is our duty as free people. As you've pointed out, almost the entire system is false and corrupt now, and there's no saving it as a whole. Compliance with evil is evil.
I like your writing style and your positions. Following along :)

Truth, peace and freedom are my highest values. I agree, peaceful noncompliance is to be a daily norm. However, we must never forget our right to self-defense. As you've pointed out, compliance is part of the problem, if not the problem itself.

Thanks for the great comment and I appreciate the support!

"Government of the people,by the people and for the people".I believe that definition by Abraham Lincoln has lost its sense in the modern day democratic government.Those in authority now use their offices as political tools for their own biddings.I totally agree with you 100% on this one.....they've done enough!

Thanks for the support @stephenpaul!

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