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RE: Maxime Bernier: The "real change" Canada needs? | Rebel Media, David Menzies

in #politics5 years ago

I never liked Trump before 2016, but I have had to humble myself and tell his supporters (some of my friends) that Trump has been a lot better than I thought he would.

I have to say, he is doing exactly what he said he would do, and that is saying a LOT in 2019, because most politicians do not do what they say.

So yes, I believe Canada would be well served if we had a Trump type figure, and that is in part why I like this guy.

Max Bernier says:

  • he is against publicly funding the CBC (canadian broadcast company)
  • he is against spending money we don't have
  • he is for limited, selective, immigration

From what I have heard of him, I like this guy.

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