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RE: Going Rogue: Sayonara John Bolton, Adios ThinkProgress, and MSM Shenanigans

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

Greta's parents were busy pursuing their demanding careers and were unaware of the climate change debate. It was Greta who studied the evidence presented by the climate scientists, and educated her parents and sister on the subject. Greta changed the entire lifestyle of her family. They became environmentally-conscious and vegans. Her mother, an accomplished opera singer, stopped travelling internationally by air, and limited her work to Stockholm. Her father, a writer and actor, has also scaled back his career, and is now heavily involved with Greta's climate activist work. It's been Greta running the show from the beginning. People tend to judge Greta by her youth and unassuming demeanor, and therefore they vastly underestimate her integrity, intellect, maturity, and drive.

Luisa is NOT Greta's supervisor. She's a German climate activist and colleague. Rich and famous people generally know very well what's going on in the world. They're no dummies. And they absolutely have known for a long time about the threat of the climate crisis. So many of them share Greta's views. But, nobody is using Greta to do anything. She writes her own speeches and follows her own conscience. Nor is anyone compensating Greta, her family, or friends in any way for her climate activist work, although some did help with transportation during her recent trip to N. America. Greta is a threat to the fossil fuel corporations because her activism may lead to government action that would force them to cut emissions, which would be costly. They have been trying to discredit her with smear campaigns that make her out to be a globalist puppet. That's how these psychopaths deal with anyone who gets in the way, and they have blocked action on the climate crisis for decades.

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