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RE: The Age of Victimization

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Your speech is a little bit nazi, don't you think so? Hate speech against marxism but not a word about cannibalistic capitalism.

You write in a place where the authority is decentralized, but exists because there are regulations that allows it to coexist in peace without somebody getting here and shutting everything down just because he can.

And yes! The state allows people to do what they want. If you are in a third world country where the law is dictated from Wall Street or the IMF, your idea of freedom would be quite different.

Do you think that people from my country (Argentina) are victims? Yes and no, but there is clearly a blurred line between freedom and dictated freedom from the outside.

And in the western countries? A blind guiding the blinds!


I really got lost, I don't know what you're talking about. Nazi? Nazism is based on the vassalage of the State, that is exactly what I am criticizing. Criticizing Marxism is hate speech? That's weird, I don't think criticizing the greatest evil ever seen in the history of humanity is hate speech. And if it is, is criticizing Nazism a hate speech then?

I live in Venezuela, not in North America, not in Europe, and I'm pretty sure that both here and elsewhere, people are just victims of their mentality. The governments of Latin America have been a faithful representation of their peoples, they have been the culprits of all the ills that the region has lived, but they are not evils foreign to the people, they are evils that the people drag behind them.

Finally, there is no such thing as freedom dictated from the outside. The peoples of the whole world have always had the key to get rid of the chains, but they have not wanted to use them, because they have preferred to drag these habits with them. And this is not a problem only of third world countries, in all western countries also happens.

Okay, I guess you dont have a nazi speech. But you clearly hate marxism.

People can break their own chains, but everytime someone tried that in our country, they were chased like animals. Depends on what kind of freedom are we talking about...

And what's your opinion about this crypto world? Do you think that it will change all these things you talk about in your post?

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My opinion, and it is only my opinion, as in all my publications and comments, is that there are two types of freedom, material freedom; physical freedom, freedom of expression, anti-slavery, etc., and immaterial freedom; inner freedom, freedom against fear, against temptations, against impulses, etc. Why? I explain that here if you are interested.

A person who is not free in his mind, that is, in the immaterial world, who is not free in his ideas, then can't live in physical freedom, because he perverts it. The people of Latin America, as well as practically all of the present world, are not free in this way, they are weak and flawed, so they succumb to victimizing ideas and anti-liberal thoughts, people are actively or passively looking for someone to take charge of they, someone who guides them with their will, because they don't want to impose their will on the world, they don't want to govern themselves.

Based on that thought, I don't believe that neither Blockchain nor anything else can liberate man, because he is a slave, first of all, in his head. Some tools can help more or less, but the most important thing is always what you can't see, the beliefs and thoughts of people.

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