Deep State Version of RoadRunner Show

in #politics4 years ago (edited)

What We've Just Seen

Remember the Roadrunner show on Saturday mornings when you were a kid? Remember how the coyote would come up with a new fiendish scheme every Saturday?

Isn't what we've been watching for the past three and a half years now?

  • Fake Russia Collusion Hoax (
  • Fake Impeachment (no crimes even alleged).
  • Fake Pandemic (COVID19 easily cured with $50 worth of WW2 meds and preventable with tonic water and zinc tablets, vast bulk of cases asymptomatic).
  • Fake police atrocity and orchestrated riots in dem cities, crisis actor cop poses for camera with hands in pockets, weight on right knee, left knee on back of neck of fellow crisis actor victim, “victim” dies inadvertently from three times lethal dose of fentynal in system, pallets of bricks left lying around at strategic points in dem cities for rioters…).
  • Fake pandemic again.

That last item is the killer. This time, they don’t even have the decency to try to come up with something new that we haven’t seen before. They seem to believe that they can just snap their fingers and shout “COVID!!!” now and that all of the rest of us will just come to heel, more lockdowns, more facemasks, shutdowns, distancing, and that they can simply keep that BS rolling until November at which point the American people will be so dispirited that if Joe Biden votes for himself, he’ll win by one vote.

The tests for covid19 are such total garbage and the reporting schemes so totally corrupt as to resemble nothing so much as an ideal democrat controlled city. In other words, unless the nation wakes up and wises up, those bastards can simply keep this BS rolling forever.

A few questions that need answers

  • Why have Big Pharma and democrats been conducting a propaganda war against hydroxychloroquine?
  • Why have democrats and the deep state switched from their nationwide riot scheme back to Covid19? Could it be that their plan was to crash the US economy by crashing the economies of their own areas but that there is now nothing left to crash or burn in dem cities?
  • Or have they simply run out of ideas??
  • If COVID-19 is just a virus problem, why is anybody still worried about it? It can be easily cured with fifty dollars worth of WW-2 vintage meds, hydroxychloroquine, zinc, an antibiotic…
  • If COVID-19 involves more than just viruses (all of the radiation poisoning associated with both COVID and 5G, why isn’t anybody doing anything about it? There is a simple test: Shut 5G down for a year, and see if COVID-19 is still there at the end of the year. A lot of experts believe it wouldn’t be. That is, they believe the exotic EM radiation is CREATING the viruses in question…
  • Why is anybody still insisting on masks and lockdowns? For something which can be avoided with zinc tablets and tonic water and cured with zinc and HCQ…
  • Why is anybody still talking about vaccines for something that can be prevented with zinc tablets and tonic water and cured with $50 worth of WW-2 meds?
  • Why is anybody talking about making that imaginary vaccine mandatory??

A few interesting notes

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