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RE: The Economic Calculation Problem and Libertarian Socialism

in #politics7 years ago

Under capitalism the theory is that if one can not afford to consume something, they do not need it.

I'm not an economist, though everyone is in a way, but who are the people who came with above? That is the most flawed theory I've ever come across in the history of all things flawed.

I grew up thinking anarchists are like outlaws, but the older I get the more I realise how wrong my teachers in high school were. It was a real miseducation of greenrun :)


"I'm not an economist, though everyone is in a way, but who are the people who came with above? That is the most flawed theory I've ever come across in the history of all things flawed."

That is my extrapolation from the fact that the main argument against raising wages is "meh economy" and people seem content with that answer. They put the economy over the people, so I might as well state it

Wrong. Capitalism is an understanding that the economy and the welfare of the people are connected. A strong economy means greater welfare. Since capitalism leads to a greater economy, welfare inevitably improves. That's how capitalism has brought 1 billion people out of poverty in 20 years, which is a point you cannot argue against.

I must confess it fits the occasion.

They don't say it, but it's the logical result of the paradigms of capitalism.

In short: If you needed the thing, you would pay for it. To pay for it you would work. You would lower your wage level until someone employs you. Because you need that thing.

or, I have a better idea. Everybody is given a chance to produce and get what they produce in a system proven to work better in every aspect of life

@lennstar, that particular method of making you collect peanuts as wage works awesomely well in my country. They capitalise on scarce jobs to perpetuate this modern-day slavery sanctioned by capitalism. I am happy that the blockchain is poking holes through their net of enslavement.

This neoliberal capitalism works in Europe, too. It's a world wide downward spiral. We in Germany had the "Agenda 2010". Official reason: To me more competitive. To, you know, China etc. because we can all live in Chinese wages here...

that downward spiral is talked about in imperialism the highest stage of capitalism, it is unavoidable

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